• Unit 4 My home教学设计--紫蓬陈娟

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    PEP3 Unit 4 My Home 第一课时

    紫蓬镇中心学校 陈娟

    • 一、教学思路



    • 二、教学内容与分析

    1Let’s learn 让学生学习掌握5个房间名称的单词:studybathroombedroomliving roomkitchen,并能用简单的语句来介绍家里的各个房间。

    2Let’s do 通过生动、活泼的动作让学生复习和巩固所学的单词.

    • 三、学情分析


    • 四、教学目标


    1、能听懂、会说表示房间名称的五个单词:studybathroombedroomliving roomkitchen

    2、能用下列简单的句子来介绍自己家中的各室:This is my homeYou can see a bedrooma living room„„








    • 五、教学重点

    1Master the five three-skill words: studybathroombedroomliving roomkitchen.

    2Enable the students to describe their home with“This is my home,You can see a….

    3Listen and do the actions fluently.

    • 六、教学难点

    bathroom, bedroom, living room的发音较难,涉及到连续发音与爆破音。

    • 七、任务设计



    • 八、教学准备

    1. 多媒体课件

    2. 六个三会单词的单词卡片以及自制的词组卡片

    3. 五幅不同布置的房间简笔画图片。

    • 九、教学过程
    • (一)Lead-in


    T: How are you? /How old are you? /Nice to meet you……

    T: Today, I’m very happy. Because there’re many teachers and parents come to our classroom. Our school is like a big family. The teachers are like our parents. The classmates are like our brothers and sisters. So we can help each other, and let’s make good friends. OK?

    2Sing the songFriends.

    3T: Look at our classroom, it’s very beautiful. What can you see in the classroom?

    S123:I can see„„

    4T: Look, what’s this? ( 展示钢笔,铅笔,橡皮,尺子,铅笔盒)

      S1: It’s a pen.

      T: Where is my pen? (把钢笔放在铅笔盒里)

      S2: It’s in the pencil-box.

    (复习It’s in the…的句型,为下面的内容做铺垫)

    • (二)、Presentation

    1T: There is a picture is in the teacher’s desk. What’s in the picture?

    S123: Maybe it’s a….

    T: Look! This is a picture of my home.(图中各室用5张小纸遮住上面有5个编号)

    Learn to say “home”. (板书课题,张贴home的图形。)


    T:出示幻灯片,并指着幻灯片上的房子说:I have a beautiful home. It

    is very big, there’re many rooms. Do you want to go to my home? Let’s go! 边说边用夸张的动作比喻。

    2、“living room”,出示相应幻灯片。

    T: First, please come to my living room. ﹙做请的动作﹚Please sit on the sofa and watch TV.出示单词living room,学生拼读,教师在四线三格板书,教读living room,教读的同时可做sit on the sofa watch TV的动作。之后将living room相关的Let’s do的内容进行操练。教师带学生做 Go to the living room, watch TV


    T: Look at my hands, there’re dirty. Please come to my bathroom, we can wash our hands (face. feet. Shirt…), I often take a shower in my bathroom(出示浴室图片以及声音)。出示单词bathroom,学生拼读,教师在四线三格板书,教读bathroom,注意th 的发音,教读的同时可做take a shower的动作。之后将bathroom相关的Let’s do的内容进行操练。教师带学生做 Go to the bathroom, take a shower.


    TNow, We are clean. I am very hungry. Are you hungry? Please come to my kitchen ,we can have a snake。出示单词kitchen,学生拼读,教师在四线三格板书,教读kitchen,教读的同时可做have a snake的动作。之后将kitchen相关的Let’s do的内容进行操练。教师带学生做 Go to the kitchen, have a snake .


    TNow, I’m tired. (打哈欠). Oh, I want to have a sleep. Can I sleep on the teacher’s desk? Where can I sleep? 引导学生说出bedroom教师板书,并作have a sleep动作。播放bedroom这一单词的拆分形式,之后将其合成单词bedroom。之后将bedroom相关的Let’s do的内容进行操练。教师带学生做 Go to the bedroom , have a sleep .

    T: Are you tired? (Yes ) OK, let’s have a sleep, OK? ( ok )全班做



    TWow, what are these? (圈出书本图片)

    Ss: They are books.

    T: Guess, where are they?

    Do you like reading books? ( yes ) I like reading books too.用上面的方法教学study. Go to the study, read a book.

    • (三)、Practice



    3Who has good eyes?

    4Let’s do.

    • (四)、Consolidation

    1Ok, Can you talk about your home? Look! This is my home . You can see a bedroom. It’s big and clean .You can see a study .It’s small and nice….

    2GoodMaybe your home is like this. Or like this. It’s doesn’t matter. Because “East or west, home is best”! (出示两张对比性比较强的家)

    • (五)、Homework

    . Copy the words 5 times.(抄写单词)

    bedroom bathroom study living room kitchen

    . Read the words and remember them.(朗读单词,并记住它们)

    • (六)、Blackdesign.

    Unit 4 My Home


                      Study.    Read a book.                  

                      living room.      Watch TV.

    I am in the   kitchen.          Have a snack

                    bedroom.          Have a sleep.

                    bathroom.         Take a shower.





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