• 南山大磡-卢清艳-Our fashion show-第一课时

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    Book 5   Unit 6  Our fashion showA

                                             深圳市南山区大磡小学   卢清艳

    教学内容Part A


    能够听懂、会说、会读下列单词a jacket, a sweater, socks, jeans, shoes, shorts, trousersHere’s /Here are…. I like the ….这两个句型。





    能够听懂、会说、会读本课中的单词a jacket, a sweater, socks, jeans, shoes, shorts, trousers;使学生能用所学过的句型表述自己对各种服装的喜好。


    避免混淆shoes shorts的发音,学生对Here’s /Here are….句型的正确选择与运用,即be动词与单复数名词的正确搭配。

    教具准备: 单词卡,服装图片,PPT,音频文件,视频文件,衣服卡片,学生的衣着

    1. Talking.

    1. Sing a song : << Colours >>

    2. Fast reaction: Say out the words as quickly as you can .

    3. Talk about the clothes you have in pairs. (T does an example with a student.)

    Example: AI have some … What do you have ?

    B: I have some …

    A: How many …s do you have

    BI have …

    A: What colour are they

    BThey are …

    II. Teaching

    1. Lead inWatch a video of the fashion show and show the title.

    2. Introduce the girl Pat. And learn the new words by guessing the clothes in the boxes. Practice reading with the sentence patterns “ Here’s a …/Here are … It’s /They’re … I like the …”

    T: Pat is going to have a fashion show. Her mother and father gave her two presents.

    Guess! What’s in the box ?

    1. Sort out the clothes: help Pat put the clothes into the wardrobes. Individuals say out the sentences.

    T: Pat has many clothes. Please help Pat put the clothes into the wardrobes.

    1. Let’s relax: chant and try to make a new one . Students chant in pairs and report.

    T: Let’s relax. Please chant together.

    Jeans, jeans, I have jeans .

    Do you like the jeans?

    Yes , I do. They’re pretty.

    Coat, coat, I have a coat.

    Do you like the coat?

    Yes, I do. It’s lovely.

    5Talk about your favourite clothes in pairs: T does an example with a student. Then students talk in pairs.

    T: Do you have beautiful clothes for the fashion show. Take out your clothes cards and talk about your favourite clothes with you partner.

    Example: A: Hello, the clothes are beautiful. What do you have ?

    B: I have … It’s / They are …

    Do you like the …?

    A: Yes, I do. I like the … It’s / they’re …

    1. Training

    1. Listen and readReading 1Reading 3Dialogue 8 (打开资源平台,大声朗读拓展材料)

    2. Have our own fashion showEncourage students to make an introduction about his/her clothes.

    Practice in pairs , invite some students to the front and act a model

    Example : Hello! I am ...

    I am a student.

    I’m in Class 1, Grade 3.

    Look, I have a … It’s ….

    I have …s They are …

    I like the … very much.

    (T guides other students to give them a big hand.)

    . Homework

    1. Listen and read part A five times.

    2. Talk about your favourite clothes with your parents in English.

    Board design:

    Unit 6 Our fashion show(A)

    Here’s a sweater. Here are socks

    a jacket. jeans


    It’s … They are …

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    • pat
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    • 服装
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    • talk
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    • jeans
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