• Module 4 Wild Animals

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    Module 4 Wild Animals

    Module 4 Wild Animals


      1. Language skill

        1. Can name some wild animals.

        2. Can talk about wild animals.

        3. Can compare two or more things or persons.

      1. Language knowledge

    (1) Vocabulary

    4 skills:

    its, whale, blue whale, land, on land, dinosaur, metre, weigh, over, kilometre, shark

    3 skills:

    ton, bone, cheetah, leopard, crocodile

    (2) Drills

    Elephants are the biggest animals in the world.

    Of all animals, cheetahs run fastest.

    Which is bigger, a blue whale or a dinosaur?

    Who works hardest in our class?

    (3) Daily expressions in communications

    It can be 30 metres long.

    It weighs over 150 tons.

    (4) The comparative degree and the superlative degree.

    (5) Sub-topic

    Unit 10: What Are the Biggest Animals in the World?

    Unit 11: What animals Run Fastest?

    Unit 12: Let’s Go Further

      1. Affects:(渗透环保教育)

    1. To familiarize the pupils with the blue whales, and love the blue whales.

    2. To learn more about animals and learn how to protect them.

    3. To develop the confidence in decoding new words.

    4. To encourage imagination.

      1. Learning strategy

    (1) Cognitive strategy.

    (2) Regulating strategy.

    (3) Communicative resource strategy.

      1. Cultural Consciousness

    1. To know more about polar bears.

    2. To know more animals from other places, and human beings should try to protect them. (Kiwis, ostrich and penguins)

    .Difficult points

    1. The comparative degree

    2. The superlative degree

    .Schedule: 7 long-periods


    Textbook, Activity book, tape, Teacher’s book, cards, computer, TV

    Unit 10 What Are the Biggest Animals in the World?

    1. Objectives

      1. Dialogue

      2. Vocabulary: whale, blue whale, land, on land, dinosaur, metre, weigh, over, ton

      3. Drill

    Elephants are the biggest animals on land.

    Which is bigger, a blue whale or a dinosaur?

    A blue whale can be more than thirty metres long and weighs over 150 tons.

    1. Procedures

      1. Warming up:

    1Chant: Who runs faster? You or me?

    I run faster, come with me.

    Which is the biggest in the sea?

    Blue whale is the biggest in the sea

        1. Revision gameLook and say the comparative degree. Superlative degree

    tallbig early lategood,并小结5种不同的改法。

        1. Free talk use the comparative degree. Superlative degree

      1. Presentation

    1. Listen and follow the dialogueand then answer some questions.

    2. Teach: whale, blue whale,

    3. Practice: What are the biggest animals in the world? Blue whales.

    4. What are the biggest animals on land? Elephants.

    5. Teach: land, on land, dinosaur

    6. T: Which is bigger, a blue whale or a dinosaur?

    A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur, I think. A blue whale can be more than thirty metres long and weighs over 150 tons.

    1. Teach: metre, weigh, over, ton,

    2. Practice in pairs.

    3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions:

    What do whales eat?

    Where do whales live?

    Can we see whales in the park? (We can see whale’s bones in the park.)

    1. Teach: bone

    2. Whole class read the new words.

      1. Consolidation

    1. Look and read the dialogue whole class.

    2. Practice the sentences.

    3. Try to repeat the dialogue according to the pictures.

    4Listen and fill in the blanks.

    4. Development: Reading.

    5. Free talk.


    1. Listen, read the dialogue.

    2. Talk about the survey with your friends.

    3. Copy the dialogue and new words.

    Layout Unit 10 What Are the Biggest Animals in the World?

    blue whale

    Elephants are the biggest animals on land. land, on land



    Which is bigger, a blue whale or a dinosaur? over ton

    A blue whale is bigger than a dinosaur, weigh eight

    A blue whale can be more than thirty metres long and weighs over 150 tons.

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    • 标签:
    • unit
    • blue
    • whale
    • biggest
    • module
    • dialogue
    • degree
    • land
    • animals
    • dinosaur
    • wild
    • whales
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