• 何浪浩Book4 Unit 8 (B)教学设计

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    Period 2

    Book4 Unit 8(B)教学设计


    Teaching content : Part B

    Teaching aims:

    1. Asking Wh-questions.

    2.Using the verb ‘to like’

    3.Using the plural nouns.

    Teaching main points :

    1. Sentence structures : What’s your favourite animal?

    I like (animal)s. What about you?

    Teaching difficult points:

    1. Correctly pronounce the word ‘favourite’.

    2. Correctly use the plural nouns in the sentence pattern.

    Teaching aids: pictures; cards; recorder; projector slide

    Teaching methods: Situation Simulating Method; Deductive Method; Imitating and Analogizing Method.

    Teaching steps:


    1. Dialogues between teacher and pupils.

    How are you?

    What day is today?

    What’s the weather like today?

    How do you feel?

    Who’s on duty today?

    二. Revision and presentation

    1. Revise some animals by using the structures ‘What’s on the farm? There’s /are…’

    2. Display the toy animals. Pick up one animal. Revise structure I have a …by making a sentence about what you are holding, e.g. I have a pig. Now pretend to consider a different animal to choose. Pick one up and say, e.g. I want a cow. Holding both, say I like cows. I like pigs. Choose between the two, putting the cow down saying I like pigs. Pigs are my favourite animal. Write favourite animal on the board.

    3. Ask a pupil to come out to the front to look at the animals. Ask him /her What your favourite animal is? Encourage the answer I like…s. Repeat with a few more pupils.

    三.Practice and consolidation

    1. Open the books and listen and read after the tape.

    2. Read the speech bubbles with the pupils. Point out the animals in the children’s thought bubbles and help the pupils to complete their sentences.

    3. Ask the pupils to work in groups of four to complete the conversation at the bottom of the page. The pupils answer with their own preferences.

    4. Ask the students to learn more(听读资源).

    5. Show some other things with Power Point. Asking, e.g. What’s your favourite fruit? Encourage pupils to talk about their favourite things.

    E.g. What’s your favourite toy? I like dolls. (robots/…)

    What’s your favourite colour? I like red.(white/…)

    .Summary by transparency

    Teacher summaries the main points by transparencies.

    What’s favourite animal?

    I like _____s.


    1. Listen to the tape for Part B and read aloud.

    2. Written work: Copy the sentences.

    Handwriting on the board:

    Unit 8 on the farm(B)

    What’s your favourite animal?

    I like duck(s).

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    • 教学设计
    • teaching
    • favourite
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    • unit
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    • doc
    • animal
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