• Book 6 unit 6 At homeB 教学设计白芒王智平

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    Book 6 unit 6 At home B 教学设计(白芒王智平)


    • 一、案例背景分析


    • 1.教材分析

       本节课主要是让学生掌握Where are you What are you doing?的问答,以及拓展到What ‘s he/she doing ?可以介绍他人在做什么在那里?因此教师在这节课中利用多种场景进行教学将会收到较好的教学效果。


    • 2.学生分析



    • 3.教学目标和要求

    1.Participate in simple interactions in classroom situations

    2.Use simple expressions to describe pictures

    3.Using the present continuous tense  

    ( 4 ) 培养学生的口头表达能力,使其做到学以致用。


    • 4.教学重点和难点

      Master the language focus: Where are you? I’m in the…

    What are you doing? I’m…

    What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s…

    The present continuous tense: be + v. ing



    • 5.教学准备


      (2)koko 爱英语,跨越式资源


    • 二、教学步骤


    •  Step1.Warming——up
    1. Free talk 复习巩固新知

    AA: What day is today?

    B: Today is Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday /…

    A: What’s the weather like today?

    B: It’s hot / sunny / wet /…

    A: Where do you live?

    B: I live at…

    A: How many bedrooms are there in your flat?

    B: There’s / There are…

    A: How many bathrooms are there in your flat?

    B: There’s / There are…



    What day

    What sport

    What subject

    What lesson

    What colour



    Where’s Lisa’s dad? Where’s Lisa’s dad? Where’s Lisa’s dad? He’s in the bedroom. What’s her dad doing ? What’s her dad doing ? What’s her dad doing ? He’s sleeping……………..


      3Let’s practise,复习相关单词句型。

    We watch TV in the___________.

    We eat and drink in the __________.

    We have a snack(小吃) in the ________.

    We take a shower (淋浴)in the __________.

    We have a sleep in the ___________.

    What’s he doing?

    He’s ________.

    What’s ……….?

    She’s ________.

    What’s ……….?

    She’s ________.(同时在黑板右侧写上running jumping flying复习现在进行时态的用法)


    • Step2.Presentation&Practice



    This is my house. Let’s have a talk(点击flash显示出我房子的样子然后提问)

    How many rooms can you see?

    I can see…..

    Is this a ……?

    Yes , it is.

    再点击出现pat的图片TThis is my friend . her name is Pat .

    Where’s Pat?

    She’s in the …..


    How many rooms can you see?

    I can see…..

    Is this a ……?

    Yes , it is.

    Where’s Pat/ dad/ grandma/ grandpa?

    She’s /He’s in the….

    (由于以前学过Where 这个句型,在这里出现是巩固以前的知识同时也是为后面的知识做铺垫。)


    a) look at the flash and listen twice.

    Mum: Where are you?

    Pat: I’m in the living room

    Mum: What are you doing?

    Pat: I’m watching TV

    b) get them to read (着重读watching的发音 写在黑板的右侧)

    c) get them to read Point out that Pat’s mother is shopping. She is phoning Pat. She can’t see what the people in Pat’s home are doing. Divide the class into two and ask one half to role-play Pat and the other half to role-play Pat’s mother. Chorus the questions and answers.

    d) Tell the pupils to work in pairs and ask and answer questions about Pat’s Grandma and Grandpa.(pair work)

    Where’s your……?

    He/She is in the …..

    What’s he/she doing?


    Learn cooking washing sleeping(着重读并且写在黑板的右侧,在此重复读这几个单词强调现在进行时the present continue tense)

    (4) let’s play

    This is my friend.

    Her name is Mary.

    She is in England.(英国)

    Let’s call her later.

    A: What day is today?B: It’s…

    A: What’s the weather like today?

    B: It’s…

    A: Where’s your good friend?

    B: He’s / She’s in the…

    A: What time is it?

    B: It’s…

    A: What’s he / she doing?

    B: He / She is playing …




    • 三进入资源自由听读
    • Dialogue 1, Dialogue 2, Dialogue 3, Dialogue 4

    • Reading 4

    • Question:

    • 1.What’s Uncle Steve doing?

    • Reading 5

    • Question:

    • 1.Where do birds fly?


    • 四。板书设计

    WritingUnit 6 At home (B)

    Where are you? I’m in the living room.

    What are you doing? I’m watching TV. the kitchen

    Where’s your dad/grandpa/grandma? He/She is in { the bathroom }.

    the bedroom


    What’s he/she doing? He/She is { sleeping }


    watch—watching cook—cooking

    wash—washing sleep—sleeping


    • 五homework


    1. Listen to the tape of B and read and recite B.

    2. Make sentences according to the pictures after the sentences in B.



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    • 教学
    • pat
    • dad
    • book
    • 教学设计
    • homeb
    • unit
    • whats
    • 学生
    • at
    • wheres
    • shes
    • hes
    • today
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