• 西关培正小学-叶素华-广州新教材四年级上册Unit10 教案(含课件、反思)

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    广州市新教材《义务教育教科书——英语》 四年级上册

    Module 5 Clothes

    Unit 10 Can I Help You?新授课 教学设计

    荔湾区 西关培正小学 叶素华


    1. 学情分析:

    四年1班的学生经过三年多的跨越式试验,每天坚持跨越式网络学习自主拓展听读和两两说,坚持以言语交际为中心,有效落实跨越式教学理念和常规,孩子们的信息素养、英语语言交际能力和素质发展都得到极大的提高。在Clothes这个话题中,他们是耳熟闻详而且学习兴趣很浓郁的,他们有良好的基础,对于单数、复数的基本句型, How much is/are…? It’s…/They’re …Unit 9 look at the T-shirt!单元的教学中很好地显示出来,而在上单元以及上一个模块的数词学习中,孩子们对于数词1---99能上口好,而且学得很轻松,对于这个单元进入百位以上的数词英语表达,也不会太难掌握。对于学生来说全新的内容是a pair of的理性认识以及涉及到的单复数问题。此外就是词汇拼写和记忆的困难。我在课堂上要着重抓好。

    1. 教学内容分析:

    Clothes这个话题中,他们是耳熟闻详而且学习兴趣很浓郁的,他们有良好的基础,对于单数、复数的基本句型, How much is/are…? It’s…/They’re …Unit 9 look at the T-shirt!单元的教学中很好地显示出来,而在上单元以及上一个模块的数词学习中,孩子们对于数词1---99能上口好,而且学得很轻松,对于这个单元进入百位以上的数词英语表达,也不会太难掌握。对于学生来说全新的内容是a pair of的理性认识以及涉及到的单复数问题。此外就是词汇拼写和记忆的困难。我在课堂上要着重抓好。我会帮助孩子们回顾和运用已经学过的衣服相关的知识和语篇,在新授的过程中帮助孩子们过好单词记忆和拼写关,鼓励孩子们在网络学习中拓宽知识面,一边接触新知识,一边自然而然地将旧知识和新知识形成学生自己内化了的“知识联网”,并在分层次的课堂教学活动中能够激发学习积极性、既掌握新知识又巩固原有的相关主题的旧知识、拓展理解和感知Unit 11\12的部分知识。This Unit is about clothes. In Unit 9, Janet talks to the shop assistant in a clothes shop. In Unit 10, Ben buys a pair of shoes and a pair of jeans in a shop.

    1. 教学目标:

    1. 语言知识:

    Topic: clothes

    Vocabulary: help, shoe(s), a pair of, pair, I’ll=I will, them, jeans, anything, else, all, sock, trousers, shorts, numbers ( count from one to one thousand),these/those brown shoes…

    Patterns: Do you like…?

    It’s OK. Very much. But I don’t like… That’s too expensive. I like it very much.

    How much…? It’s/They’re…

    Can I help you? Yes, please./No, thanks.

    Do you want anything else?

    I’ll take it/ them. I won’t take it.

    Here you are. Thank you. Thank you very much.

    1. 语言技能:

    Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.

    Ask and answer questions about prices.

    Name some common item of clothing.

    Say number up to one thousand.

    Give reasons for not taking something in a shop.

    Refer to objects in plural form using these and those.

    1. 情感与态度:

    Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.

    Give reasons for not taking something in a shop.

    Be clean, nice and neat in dressing.

    Learn to judge a person by his/her dressing.

    1. 学习策略:

    In a shop, express your opinion about some clothes and tell your likes or dislikes.

    In pair work, learn, listen and response suitably and politely.

    Use the language in a shop and then for other shops.

    Talk about the dressing of different jobs for the further learning in the next module.

    1. 文化意识:

    In pair work, learn, listen and response suitably and politely.

    Talk about the dressing of different jobs for the further learning in the next module.

    Start to know that the special clothes in some countries:qipao in China, kimono in Japan, kilt in Scotland, saree in India…

    1. 教学重点:

    1. Vocabulary: help, shoe(s), a pair of, pair, I’ll=I will, them, jeans, anything, else, all, sock, trousers, shorts, numbers ( count from one to one thousand),these/those brown shoes…

    2. Patterns: Do you like…?

    It’s OK. Very much. But I don’t like… That’s too expensive. I like it very much.

    How much…? It’s/They’re…

    Can I help you? Yes, please./No, thanks.

    Do you want anything else?

    I’ll take it/ them. I won’t take it.

    Here you are. Thank you. Thank you very much.

    1. Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.

    2. Ask and answer questions about prices.

    3. Name some common item of clothing.

    4. Say number up to one thousand.

    5. Give reasons for not taking something in a shop.

    6. Refer to objects in plural form using these and those.

    1. 教学难点:

    Say number up to one thousand.

    Give reasons for not taking something in a shop.

    Refer to objects in plural form using these and those.

    1. 教学板书设计:

    Module 5 Clothes

    Unit10衣服小图片5张) Unit 10 Can I Help You? Unit9衣服小图片9张)

    New words Yes, please. I want… Do you have …?

    Do you want anything else?

    No, thanks.

    I will take them.

    1. 教学媒体:

    Pictures of clothes, headdresses, multimedia and computers, internet

    1. 教学资源:

    V-class Unit 10 资源库的相关选用内容

    1. 教学过程:


    Learning activities




    1. Song and chant to warm up. Then play a game: Sharp eyes.

    2. Act out the dialogue of Unit 9.(Role play)

    1. Pair work:

    Good morning, do you like the …?

    Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It’s OK. But I don’t like …I like …

    What about …?

    That’s nice/beautiful/great…

    How much …?

    It’s …

    That’s good/too expensive/too big.

    I will take it./I won’t take it.

    Thank you. Goodbye.

    1. Show the new clothes (of Unit 10) and tell the learning objectives today:

    We will learn the new words and the dialogue in Unit 10.

    Book 3 It’s a nice T-shirt.

    Unit 9 dialogue and new words

    Other daily chunks

    1. 激发学习动机,提高学习兴趣。

    2. 帮助学生复习、巩固,建立学习和发展的基础。

    3. 在两两交际中生动运用语言,在角色扮演中享受英语学习的乐趣,在表达自己的喜好中进行真实的交际。

    4. 明确学习目标


    1Use the pictures and the PPT to present and learn the new wordshelp children to understand and master the use of “a pair of” and the spelling should be done in class now.

    2Make the blackboard decorated as a clothes shop, stick all the clothes on it and present the 5new words definitely. Sign the prices. Then prensent the dialogue in a whole by play the flash on the net.

    3Pair work: Make new dialogues according to the new dialogue.

    Unit 10 dialogue and new words

    Other daily chunks

    1.利用实物、图片学习同类的物品名称,并以旧入新,激活学生对本单元五个衣物类词的记忆,词在句中学,将a pair of及时引入介绍,马上运用在socks, shoes, shorts, trousers, jeans中。




    The teacher helps the pupils to sum up and get aware of the language items in this unit and thus master them better.

    Unit 10 dialogue and new words



    And Task

    1. Listen to the dialogue and fill in blanks about the new language items.

    2Learn on the net

    3Pair work:

    Good morning, can I hel you ? Do you like the …?

    Yes, I do./No, I don’t. It’s OK. But I don’t like …I like … I want …I want to buy …

    What about …? How about …?

    That’s nice/beautiful/great…

    How much …?

    It’s …

    That’s good/too expensive/too big.

    I will take it /them./I won’t take it /them.

    Do you want anything else?

    Thank you. Goodbye.

    Unit 10 dialogue and new words


    1. 初步在句子和语篇中运用新词汇 。

    2. 激发学习动机,拓宽学习内容,阅读相关主题的篇章,既巩固课内知识,又提高综合运用知识的能力,利用网络的优势和网络的优秀听读资源,让每一个学生都有自己最好的发展。

    1. 教学反思:

    学生能够很好地在教师的指导下开展学习,逐步实现教学目标。首先,词汇在How much is/are…?的句型中使用并掌握a pair ofjeans, shorts, trousers, socks, shoes的单复数问题。当然在这节课中,学生口头运用比较多,读写较少,并未能让孩子们有充分的练习机会。




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