• 荔湾区文昌小学-三年级上册Unit9 Is it a cat-李文婷

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        本单元主要学习12个玩具的单词和有关一般疑问句及其回答、描述自己拥有的东西,用所有格来描述他人拥有的东西的句型。本课时是Module 5 的第一课时,虽然集中了该单元两个重点句型 Is it …? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Jiamin’s dog. 但琳琅满目的Toys 陪伴着孩子的成长,对玩具的由衷喜爱能大大激发起学生对本话题学习的冲动和热情,而且在一年级的口语学习中,学生已接触过toys这个话题,对本节课的单词cat, rabbit, dog, bear, ball, kite 有了一定的知识存储,使本课时的学习难度得以降低。

    • (2) 教学片断(视频)
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    • (6) 教学设计


    Sing the song of “This is the way.”


    1.    Go over the sentence patterns of

    Who is the boy/girl?

    He’s /She’s ….

    2.    Review the sentence patterns of

    Is he/she your …?

    Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.


     1. Present the title of this hour Module 5 Toys Unit 9 Is it a cat?

     2. Present the new words of cat ball rabbit in the sentence pattern of

       What’s this ?

       It’s a  ….

    It’s a toy ….

    Present the new words on the blackboard. Get the pupils copy and read the new words while learning or copying.

    3. Learning the new words of bear kite dog while presenting the sentence pattern of

       Is it a …?

       No, it isn’t.

       It’s a ….

    4. Present the sentence pattern of

       Is it a …?

       Yes, it is.

       It’s Jiamin’s dog.

    5. Watch the video of the dialog. Get the pupils read the dialog after the tape or teacher. Get them try to recite it out in pairs.

    6. Substitution practice of the sentence pattern with pupil’s toys.

       Is it a …?

       Yes, it is.

       It’s …’s ….

    7. Get the pupils to practice the sentence pattern of

    Is it a …?

       No, it isn’t.

       Yes, it is.

    Choose some pairs to practice the sentence pattern in the class.




    • (7)10-11月教学反思


    • (8)"我的收获与进步" 及"是通过何种形式取得的进步


    • (9)"我的困惑"


    • (10)我想要学习的内容


    • (11)本月目标


    • 标签:
    • sentence
    • 教学
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 片断
    • pattern
    • 学习元
    • 进步
    • 英语
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