• 广州版三年级上册unit9Is it a cat?-文昌小学陈婉明

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    2012学年广州版小学三年级Uit 9 教学设计

    Unit 9 Is it a cat? 教学设计

    文昌小学 陈婉明

    1. 教学内容分析

    本单元主要学习12个玩具的单词和有关一般疑问句及其回答、描述自己拥有的东西,用所有格来描述他人拥有的东西的句型。本课时是Module 5 的第一课时,虽然集中了该单元两个重点句型 Is it …? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s Jiamin’s dog. 但琳琅满目的Toys 陪伴着孩子的成长,对玩具的由衷喜爱能大大激发起学生对本话题学习的冲动和热情,而且在一年级的口语学习中,学生已接触过toys这个话题,对本节课的单词cat, rabbit, dog, bear, ball, kite 有了一定的知识存储,使本课时的学习难度得以降低。

    1. 教学对象分析


    1. 教学目标


    1. “四会掌握单词:toy, cat, rabit, dog. bear. ball, kite

    2. 三会掌握单词及词组:Jiamin’s dog

    3. 听说以下句型:

    Is it a …?Yes,it is. It’s …./ No, it isn’t. It’s …

    It’s …’s ….

    1. 语言技能目标

    1. 能准确使用所学表示玩具的单词。

    2. 能熟练运用本课句型提出问题及其正确回答。

    3. 能理解和跟读课文。


    1. 在学习过程中传授知识同时,注意培养学生德育方面的培养,养成良好的个人行为习惯。

    1. 通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强英语学习的自信心。

    2. 帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯——乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动合作。

    3. 在语言训练活动中,让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于与同学分享交流。

    5. 教导学生养成爱护动物的良好习惯。










    重点:灵活运用句型Is it a …?及其回答。

    难点:1. 整体理解和运用Yes, it is . /No, it isn’t.

    2. 名词所有格

    六、教学媒体:  课件、图片及实物玩具。


    (一)Present the title and the aim of this class

    1. Present the title Module 5 Toys

    2. Learn the new word “toy”

    3. Present the title Unit 9 Is it a cat?

    4. Learn the new word “cat”


    Sing the song of “This is the way”

    (三)Presentation & Practice

    1. Guessing game: Review the words about the parts of body.

    2. Practice the sentence pattern of following

    Is it a …?

    Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. It’s a ….

    3. Learning the new word – ball

    4. Sing the song of “What is this?”

    5. Learn the new words of kite, rabbit in the song “What is it?”

    6. Learn the new words of bear, dog in the chant.

    7. Go over all the new words on the blackboard.

    8. Game: Guessing game.

    Practice of the sentence pattern with the pupil’s toys.

    Is it a …? Yes, it is. It’s …’s ….

    9. Watch the video of the dialogue. Get the pupils read the dialogue after the tape or teacher. Get them try to recite it out in pairs.

    (四). Development

    1. Story time: Watch the video---Follow Me & The Young Mouse

    2. Read the comic--- Is it a monster?

    3. Pair work: Talk about your toy.

    Let the pupils make dialogues according to the map below.

    (4. If there is some time, do the exercise 1 at page 52.)


    1. Listen and read Unit9 for 3 times.

    2. Talk about your favorite toy with your parents.


    Unit9 Is it a cat? rabbit

    Is it … ? cat

    Yes, it is. toy dog

    No, it isn’t. ball

    It’s …’s … . kite



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