• [流花路小学]黄敏茹-This is my dad

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    流花路小学 黄敏茹


    • 课文概述

    广州市教材小学英语第五册Unit4 This is my dad.

    本课是Unit4 This is my dad.的第一课时。本课以《小学英语教育跨越式发展创新实验的理论基础-语觉论》为指导思想,抓住儿童语言能力发展的关键期,以创设情景,借助现代信息技术,以“听、说、用”为突破口,开展,自主听读,拓展游戏等多种活动,让学生在颇为真实的语言情境中进行语言交际,培养学生的听、说技能,提高语言的综合运用能力。


    • 学习者分析

    本节课的主要教学任务是在学生已经掌握了一天不同时间见面打招呼和知道如何询问别人名字的基础上进一步学习介绍别人的句型: This is …. 通过自主学习,自主听、自己跟读对话和完成任务等活动,充分调动学生学习的主动性,使学生能够在真实的情景中,灵活运用本课的所学的句型进行英语交际,并且能够联系新、旧知识,学以至用。


    • 教学目标分析
    1. 通过sing a songFree talk,既调动课堂气氛,激发学生开口的愿望,又帮助学生复习有关一天不同时间的不同打招呼的方法,为下面的对话做好铺垫;

    2. 创设情境并融合本课的重点句型于其中,让学生自主听读,提高听力,使学生在情景中理解句型并操练重点句;

    3. 让学生进行故事和短文的听读训练,增强语言的整体感,同时将新、旧知识联系起来,实现语言的积累性学习,丰富语言的表达,提高语言的综合运用能力;

    4. 通过师生问答,俩俩对话等语言交际活动,提高学生的语言交际能力,培养学生在日常生活中迁移运用英语的意识和协作学习的良好习惯。


    • 教学策略的选择与设计






    金太阳教学软件Unit 4 This is my dad.



    • StepI:Warmup&Revision
    1. Sing the song

    2)Free talk: Look at the pictures of different time in a day and greetings.


    通过sing Free talk,调动课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,帮助学生复习旧知,为下面的语言学习做好铺垫。


    • StepII:Dialogues
    1. Ask the pupils look at the picture of the dialogue. Ask pupils what's the time of the day. Tell them the details that depict the situation:Jiamin carrying his schoolbag on his back, ready to go home;Ms White waving goodbye to Jiamin, Jiamin’s dad picking him up grom school, etc. Play the movie about the dialogue. Play the movie again , pausing after each speech bubble for pupils to repeat.

    2. Present the sentenceThis is…

    3. Let the pupils use the sentence to introduce the persons on page20 and 21.

    4. Repeat the dialogue in roles and act out the dialogue in groups.

    5. Ask 2 groups to act out the dialogue in front of the class.


    通过情景的创设,引出本课的单词和句子,通过学,读,操练句型,让学生掌握句型:This is….让学生表演课文让学生在真实的情境中感受语言和运用语言。


    • StepIII:Development
    1. Get the class to act out the dialogue by using the new character pairs to replace Jiamin and his dad.

    2. 为学生提供4篇听读材料,自主听读

    T: Boys and girls, Let’s do more readings. You can listen and read after by yourself.

    a)T: What are the children’s names and the turtle’s name?

    Ss: See the movie(跨越式网络材料Module1:reading1and repeat.

    Ss answer the questions.

    b) T: What are the children’s names? What do they say at last?

    Ss: See the movie(跨越式网络材料Module1:reading2and repeat.

    Ss answer the questions.


    c) T: What are the children’s names? How to ask someone’s name?

    Ss: See the movie(跨越式网络材料Module1:reading3and repeat.

    Ss answer the questions.



    Billy: How do you do ?

    Terry: How do you do?

    Billy: May I introduce myself to you?

    Terry: Yes, please.

    Billy: My name is Billy. I'm in Class 4 . May I have your name, please ?

    Terry: I'm Terryin Class 4 ,too. I'm glad to meet you.

    Billy: Glad to meet you, too. Where are you from?

    Terry: I'm from Beijing . And you?

    Billy: I'm from Guangzhou . Let me introduce my friend, Tommy.

    Tommy, this is Terry.

    Tommy: Nice to meet you.

    Terry: Nice to meet you, too. I hope we'll become good friends.

    Billy/ Tommy: Me, too. ( 初次见面的人 )

    3)Read the dialogues after the teacher.







    e) 模仿上述的对话,小组自编一个介绍别人的对话。

    1. Ask 2 groups to act out the new dialogue in front of the class.

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    • 自主
    • 语言
    • movie
    • billy
    • 三年级
    • 句型
    • 对话
    • 能力
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 流花路
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