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    • 教育技术相关期刊

    Computers & Education (SSCI)

    Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning (SSCI)

    Educational Technology and Society (SSCI)

    British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

    Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI)

    Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI)

    The Internet and Higher Education (SSCI)

    Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

    The Electronic Library (SSCI)

    Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI)

    Interacting with Computers (SSCI)

    Journal of Information Science (SSCI)

    CyberPsychology and Behavior (SSCI)

    The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI)

    International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI)

    IEEE Transactions on Education (SCI, EI)

    Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI)

    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (EI)

    Educational Research

    Educational Research and Reviews

    Education Research International

    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A (SCI, EI)

    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (SCI, EI)

    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (SCI, EI)

    ACM Transactions on Internet Technologies (SCI, EI)

    IEEE Software (SCI, EI)

    Information Sciences (SCI)

    International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems (SCI Expanded, EI)

    Decision Support Systems (SCI Expanded)

    Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI Expanded, EI)

    Computer Communications (SCI Expanded, EI)

    Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (EI)

    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (SCI, EI)

    International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (EI)

    Software Practice and Experience (EI)

    Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (SCI)

    International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (Inspec)

    International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing

    International Journal of Operations Research

    International Journal of Electronic Business Management

    Campus-Wide Information Systems

    Asian Journal of Health and Information Sciences

    Transactions on Internet Research

    Open Information Systems Journal

    The Open Education Journal

    The Open Cybernetics and Systematic Journal

    Global Chinese Journal on Computers in Education

    Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning

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