

Tom wants to go to (1)___Dalian _____ for a holiday. Tom's mother wants to go to

 (2)__Tianjin______. Tom's father wants to go to (3)__Shanghai ____. It's snowing

in (4)_____Dalian____and (5)_____Tianjin_ at the moment.  Mr Jones said

 England usually has snow in (6)____winter   _____.

Tom has (7)___never__ been to Dalian. His friend Tony said it is really

 (8)____beautiful ___. Dalian has the best (9)___football _________team___

 in China.

Tom did very well in his (10)_____English__  ____exam_____. He got more

 than 95%.  His father was happy. They went to (11)____Dalian____________ for their


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