
一、 学生课前在附近的超市调查有关旅游用品的价格,并分小组制作成幻灯片。


二、 学生课前布置的购物场景图片。

     场景一         场景二         场景三         场景四

     场景五         场景六         场景七

三、 学生给David提出的购物建议。

   Group One : We think he should go to Dongfang Shop . Because the things there are the cheapest.

   Group Two: We think he had better go to Jihua Shop. We think the things are cheap there.

   Group Three: We think he should go to Dongfang shop ,too. Because the things are very cheap and beautiful.

   Group Four: We also think David should go to Dongfang Shop. The things there are really good.

   Group Five: David should go to Dongfang Shop. The things are very good and the price is low.

   Group Six: In our opinion, David should go to Dongfang Shop. The things are very nice there. And they are very cheap.