
二年级下册Unit 5 Reading is Fun




广州市荔湾区西关培正小学 叶素华






1. Master vocabulary on weather and activities.

2. How to tell the weather correctly.

3. How to read the picture book with the guidance.

4. Enjoy reading the picture book and learn something about phonics and sight words.

5. Go further into the seasons and get prepared for the learning of Unit 6.




重点:go over and consolidate the language on the topic: weather

phonics: -ing

The chunks in the picture book.

Read and understand the story.

The names of the four seasons.

Talk about the activities and the clothing of the season.

Enjoy reading.

难点:read and act out the story.

Talk about the activities and the clothing of the season.

教具:图片、PPTthe picture book




  1. 学生已学:What is the weather like? It’s …

What are you doing? I am …

  1. 学生本节课新学内容:

season, spring, summer, autumn, winter

  1. 学生本课拓展目标:Look out, watch out, bloom, blooming, raindrops, fall, falling, grow, growing, cicadas, melting, melt, leaves, corns, smiling, smile, peek, peeking, laugh, laughing,













(一)Warming up

1Lets move(调动学生情绪并由歌曲温习26个字母的自然拼读发音)

2 Let’s sing (进入单元主题)

(二)Preparation & Pre-reading

1Present the four seasons(复习已学,引入新学词汇)

(1) Present the four seasons one by one as sight words

(2) Pair work 1: What’s the weather like in spring? It is …

(3)  Let’s read aloud. Read the verb and verb-ing in a fun way, thus to confirm the form and the pronunciation of the -ing.

(4) Pair work 2What are you doing? I am …

(5) Sum up and help the Ps get aware of the pronunciation of -ing.

(6) Let’s learn: More -ing training with the new words, thus Ps have abundant chances to practice the sight words and use the rules of phonics.


(三)              While-reading

1My friend from Canada, Jurie is coming to China. He is asking me something about the four seasons in China. I am going to send him this book. But before that let’s read it first and see if it is good.

Tell Ps today’s target is to read a picture book. Hand out the books.

2Talk about the cover and guide Ps get the four seasons. That’s also the main idea of the book: What’s the weather like in the season? What do people put on in the season? What are people doing in the season? What are happening in the season?

3T retells the story with the demo on the Bb, to build the mind maps together .

4Watch the story once to get the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

5Read the picture book quietly or in a low voice.

6Watch the story again.

7. Ps read the story page by page with the help of the PPT.


1. Retell the story with the mind-map.

2. Pair work 3:

A: What’s the weather like in ____?
B: In ____, it is ____.
A: What are you doing?
B: I put on my ____. I am ____.
A: Look, _______________.
B: Let’s have fun.

3. Is this a good book for Jurie?

() Homework

1阅读绘本 Four Seasons

2Read U 5







Unit 5 Reading is Fun



spring summer (概念图)


four seasons


autumn winter