• 人教版PEP Unit2 B Let's talk 教学设计

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    • 人教版PEP Unit2 B Let's talk教学设计

     PEP 人教版 Unit2 My week B Lets talk 教学设计

    • 一、教材分析:本课是PEP人教版Unit2 B Let’’s talk部分,本单元共六课时,本课属于第四课时,是一节对话课,以讨论周末活动为主题,呈现了一般疑问句Do you often read books/... ?在本单元的前两课时,已经呈现了表示星期的单词和询问课程的句型。
    • 二、学情分析;五年级学生经过两年的英语学习,已经有了一定的英语学习基础,学习过do开头一般疑问句的问答,对read books, play football等这些表示课外活动的词组中的一些单词在四年级学习中有初步认识。周末活动这一讨论话题与学生日常生活联系紧密,学生具有相关的生活经验,能够引起学生的学习兴趣。但是在具体情境中学生根据实际情况进行自由讨论可能较困难,在拓展阅读方面,对生词生句子的理解能力也可能有所欠缺。
    • 三、教学目标:1.能够理解对话大意,能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,;

    2.能够在情景中运用句型Do you often read books/...? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.询问对方从事的周末活动并作答;

    3.能够在语境中理解词组read books, play football, play basketball, play ping-pong, listen to music的意思,并能够正确发音;

    4.拓展词汇:favourite, usually, read comics ,do housework

    5.拓展句型:Whats your favourite day? Why?  My favourite day is...


    • 四、教学重点:在情景中运用句型Do you often read books/...? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.询问对方从事的周末活动并作答
    • 五、教学难点:often的读音和理解,play ping-pong, listen to music 读音,在实际情境中运用句型Do you often read books/...? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.问答周末活动,拓展阅读的理解。
    • 六、教学准备: PPT,足球,家庭作业纸
    • 七、教学过程:
    1. 复习说(1)师生问候:

    T: Hello ,boys and girls.Im your new teacher. You can call me Miss Zhao.Nice to meet you!

    T: Good morning.What day is it today?

    T:Good morning,how many days are there in a week? What are they?

    S: There are seven. They are....


    出示课程表(curriculum schedule)


    How many days are there in a week?

    What are they?

    What do you have on ...s?

    Whos your... teacher?

    Whats ... like?





    Sing a song

    T:Saturdays and Sundays are the weekend.(带领学生说)

    T: Do you go to school on the weekend?(板书)

    S:No,I dont.

    T: Do you often watch TV on the weekend?(板书 often,讲授often的意思)

    S:Yes,I do. (板书 Yes, I do)

    No,I dont.

    在句型Do you often ... on the weekend ?中运用图片,实物,自然拼读,音频学习新词组:read books, play football, play ping-pong, play basketball, listen to music

    句型Do you often ... on the weekend ?和词组练习(第一个师问,生s答;中间两个生s问,生s答;最后两个生问,生s答)。

    1. B Let’s talk





    创设情境:Now lets talk about our weekend.



    A: What's this/that?

    B: It's a/an...

    A: Do you often ... on the weekend ?

    B: Yes, I do. ( No, I don’t. )




    1.Dialogue 1 .

    Zhang Peng: Hi, Oliver !This is Zhang Peng! Lets play football this afternoon.

    Oliver: Sorry. Ill clean my room this afternoon.

    Zhang Peng:Do you often clean your room on Saturdays?

     Yes, I do.

    Zhang Peng:OK,bye then. See you on Monday!


    2.Dialogue 2 .Whats your favourite day?

    Man: Hi,Sally! How many days are there in a week?

    Girl: There are seven days.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    Man:Thats right. And which day is the first day?

    Girl:I know. Sunday is the first day of a week.

    Man:Good job. And whats your favourite day?

    Girl:My favourite day is Saturday.

    Man:Why? What do you usually do on Saturdays?

    Girl: I usually watch TV and read the comics on Saturdays.I also help my mom do housework.

    Man: You are a good girl,Sally!

    Q: 1.Which day is the first day in a week?

    1. Whats the girls favourite day?  Why?

    Dialogue 3

    Janet: Ben, what's your favourite day?

    Ben: My favourite day is Monday.

    Janet: Really? Why?

    Ben: On Monday, we have an English lesson(class) and a P.E lesson. They're my favourite subjects(科目). And I can(能) study(学习) English and play computer. I can run, jump and play basketball on the playground.

    Janet: That's fun! But my favourite day is Wednesday.

    Ben: What do you usually do on Wednesday?

    Janet: I sing and dance on Wednesday.

    Ben: Great! You must be good at singing and dancing.

    Q:1.What's Janet's favourite day? Why?

    2.What's Ben's favourite day? Why?


    PPT出示图示,教师示范.Pair work,学生反馈。


    Whats your favourite day?


    I have .... I like....

    I often....Do you often... on the weekend?



    1. Read this dialogue.
    2. Talk about your weekend with your partner .
    3. My favourite day

    My favourite day is _________. On______I _________.



    Unit 2 B Lets talk

    -Do you often ...on the weekend?

    -Yes, I do. I like....

    No, I dont.


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