• Unit9 How many-教学设计方案

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    • 【教材分析】

        本节课是北京市义务教育课程改革试验教材先锋英语第一册Unit9 How many 教学内容的第六课时,学生通过本单元的学习,能够掌握句型How many...are there?There is/are...,并能在真实的环境中,尝试应用句型描述事物的数量,本课主要的教学内容为书中Uncle booky's story time,意在通过这个小故事,再次复习、巩固本课的重点句型。

    • 【教学目标】


            熟练掌握句型How many...are there?There is/are...描述事物数量,应运句型what do... like? They like...描述动物喜欢吃的食物。能从1数到100,能在情景中尝试应用句型How much are they? I want...等句型。






    • 【教学重难点】

    重点:How many...are there? There is/are...及句型what do... like?They like...。


    • 【学习者特征分析】



    • 【教学策略】

        本课以拜访Mike朋友们的new babies为主线,贯穿始终,形成一个大的情景。教学中的每一步都是在情景中完成,前后衔接,每个步骤目标明确,层次分明,步步为后边的综合输出做铺垫。

    • 【资源准备】



    • 【教学过程设计】

        Step 1: Warm-up

         Review numbers.(show students some maths questions with the pattern what's five and seven?)


        Topic: numbers in the classroom(pair work)
        Model work:
        A: How many students are there in our classroom?
        S: There are thirty-one.
        A: How many blackboards are there?
        设计意图:让孩子在真实的情景练习句型how many及数字,让学生体会数字与实际生活的联系。

       Step 2: presentation

        1.Lead in
        Riddles to elicit the animals .(pay attention to pattern what do.... like?) 
        Example: This animal likes bones.

        设计意图:通过猜故事中的主要角色,渗透复习句he likes…,同时引出本课的主要角色monkey, goat,dog,turtle,frog,在教师示范的基础上,让学生尝试描述角色,应用所学过的语言知识。

        2.present the story
        Question:"How many baby dogs are there?"look at the video. Check the answer.

        Question forms:learn with the computers to perfect the pronunciation, then check the answers quickly.


        4.extending reading 
        1)set the scene:Do you love dogs? Let's visit them,ok? We should take some gifts, so what do these animals like, Listen to reading 2-4 (reading 2:making new friends/reading 3:what do animals eat?/reading4:The yellow gorilla)know more about it. Elicit "what do...like?""They like...".
        2)practice1 (with more animal pictures)
        Model work:
        A: How many...are there?
        B: There are...
        A: What do...like?
        B: They like...
        设计意图:通过读相关动物喜欢吃什么的故事复习句型what do…like? They like…,然后结合本课的主要句型,在电脑中通过看更多的动物图片,两两说综合课文和听读输出,培养学生综合应用语言的能力。

    Step3: more extending reading

        set the scene:Let’s go to the shops to learn how to buy things, so we can buy gifts for the new babies

        Listen to reading 5-7(reading5:How much/reading6:Uncle booky’s story time/reading7:Can I have this?)
    Questions: how to ask the price. Elicit and learn how much are they? They are…. I want… 


        Step 4: production

        Set the scene: Let’s go to the store to buy some gifts for them,ok?(practice2)

        Key sentences: Can I help you?/ What are these?/Are these...?/How many ... are there?/How many...do you want?/I want some.../How much are they? 
        Helpful words: likes/ colors/ big/small/yummy/cheap/dear 

        Model work:
        A: Can I help you?
        B: Yes, what do...like?
        A: They like...
        B: Are these ...?
        A: Yes, they are. They are yummy.
        B: How many ...are there?
        A: There are...
        B: I want… how much are they?
        A: They are...
        B: They are very cheap.Here you are.
        A: Thank you!


        Step 5 rhymes

        set the secne:Now, let's go and visit them.(visit Uncle)
        "we'll go and visit goats, it's very very far, we'll take some grass with us and go there in a car..."


    • 点评

    此教学设计注重了跨越式英语教学的111模式贯彻,在实际教学中要注意师生交际、生生交际和拓展听读的时间安排,让学生在学习中能够积极参与,乐于学习,全程关注教学目标的达成。——by lixiaoqing

    • 标签:
    • 能力
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 小学英语
    • 意图
    • 情景
    • 培养
    • 故事
    • 交际
    • 句型
    • howmany
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