• 人教版三年级下册Unit 5 Where is my ruler? (非网络环境)

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    本课教学内容为人教版小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Where is my ruler?中B Let’s learn部分,是本单元第5个课时的教学。本节课主要学习lamp, desk, walkman, chair四个单词,要求学生能够听、说、认读,并能在日常生活中使用;并使学生能够运用句型:“Where is…?”“It’s in/on/under ….”等进行交际对话。

    • 设计理念
    1. 《小学英语课程标准》和信息技术与学科深层次整合的理念;

    2. 《语觉论》与“基础教育跨越式发展创新探索试验”课题的理念;

    3. 英语学科教学“以语言运用为中心”的理念。

    • 教学目标分析


    1. 能听、说、认读课标要求的lamp, desk, walkman, chair四个单词,并能在日常生活中使用;

    2. 能听、说、认读拓展单词:near;

    3. 能听、说拓展句型:Is it/Are they in/on/under/behind…?Yes, it is. /they are/No, it isn’t./they aren’t.


    1. 新旧结合,以旧句型带新单词;

    2. 以语言运用为中心,注重师生交际与生生交际;

    3. 创设语言运用的情境,营造语言交际的真实生活情境;

    4. 大量拓展听读,扩大语言输入。


    1. 使学生产生并保持学习英语的兴趣;

    2. 使学生能够对日常生活中的事物用英语思维进行思考运用;

    3. 使学生能够习惯性地听、说生活英语。

    • 学习者特征分析
    1. 学生在前4课时的基础上能够运用句型询问物品摆放在哪里并给予回答;

    2. 学生参与跨越式试验已近一年,能够融入跨越式试验课堂并采用相应的学习策略进行英语学习;

    3. 学生能够根据教师的指令熟练进行合作学习。

    • 教学策略
    1. 新旧结合,利用旧句型带新单词,新知与旧知融合,利于强化学生的理解记忆;

    2. 创设情境,使学生能够快速了解新授内容并将新授内容应用于生活情境中;

    3. 强化交际,加强交际情境的营造,注重师生交际、生生交际等,突出语言的运用;

    4. 拓展听读,扩大语言输入,大量拓展相关知识点或主题的听读材料,深化、拓展本课时课标。

    • 资源准备
    1. 自制CAI课件、多媒体素材;

    2. 教室中的实物、单词卡片、图片。

    • 活动过程设计与分析

    Warm up/ Revision


    A: Hello, xx.

    B: Hi, xx.

    A: Can I use your…?

    B: No problem! Oh, where is my…?

    A: In/On/Under your…?

    B: No! /Oh, yes. Here you are.

    A: Thank you.

    设计意图:此环节主要目的为复习之前学过的句型Can I use …? /Where is …? 及相应的回答。



    T: Where is my book?

    S: Miss/ Mr xx, here it is.

    T: Oh! It’s on your desk. Thanks!


    T: Boys and girls. In my family, there are many things on my desk. Let’s have a look.


    T: What can you see on my desk?


        T: What can you see on the desk?

        S: I can see a lamp.

        T: What color is it?

        S: It’s purple.

        T: Is it on the desk?

        S: Yes, it is.(引导学生回答)



       T: Where is the music from? Oh, it’s a walkman. (出示单词卡并教学walkman)

       T: Is it on the desk?

         S: Yes, it is. (引导学生回答)

         T: Do you like the walkman?

         S: Yes.

         T: Who wants to use the walkman?

       S: Can I use your walkman?

       T: Yes, you can.

      (引导学生说:Can I use …?句型,回答正确的,教师在该学生面前播放音乐,予以鼓励)

      T: When I write I will sit on my chair. Look, this is my chair.


      T: Boys and girls. Is my chair on the desk?

      S: No, it isn’t. (引导学生回答)

      T: Yes, you are right. It’s near the desk.(教学 near )

    Look, look, look, where are my things?

    Chair ,chair, chair, under the desk.

    Desk, desk, desk, near the chair.

    Lamp, lamp, lamp, on the desk.

    Walkman, walkman, walkman, near the lamp.



    A: Hello, xx.

    B: Hi, xx.

    A: Where is my …?

    B: In/On/Under/Near …?

    A: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t. Thank you.

    B: You’re welcome.





    A: Hello! Xx.                        B: Hi! xx.

    A: I have …                         B: What colour is it?

    A: Guess!                           B: It’s …

    A: Yes, you are right.                  B: May I have a look?

    A: Of course. Oh,Where is my…?        B: Is it in/on/under/near…?

    A: Yes, it is./                 

    No, it isn’t.  it’s in/on/under/near…

    A: OK, here you are.                   B: Thank you.

    A: You are welcome.

    B: Can I use …?




    1. Sing a song (拓展材料中的rhythm 4)

    2. Free talk

    3. 教学 desk

    4. 教学 lamp

    5. 教学 walkman

    6. 教学 chair

    7. Let’s chant

    8. Free talk

    Extend reading

    1. 播放拓展材料 P46  Dialogue 4, 5, 6【这里重新开始编号不好使……不知道接受修订后可不可以改过来?】

    2. 播放拓展材料 P50 reading 3, reading 8


    Let’s sing.《Hide and Seek》

    Blackboard design

    Unit 5 Where is my ruler?




                           Is it on/under/in/near …?

                           Yes, it is.

                           No, it isn’t. It’s on/under/in/near….


    Rhythm 4

    Here’s a rubber. Here’s the ruler.

    Here’s a pencil and a pen.

    Here’s a pencil-case.

    Here’s a book. Here’s a bag.

    I like this game.

    Dialogue 4

    Dialogue 5   Where is my bag?

    A: Hello, Jack.

    B: Hello, Ken.

    A: What are you doing?

    B: I can’t find my bag.

    A: Can I help you?

    B: Yes,please.

    A: It is in your desk?

    B: No, it isn’t.

    A:Look! Is that one under the towel?

    B: Yes, it is. Thank you, Ken.

    A: You are welcome.

    Dialogue 6

    A: Where is my red marker?

    B: I don’t know?

    A: Is it under your chair?

    B: No, Oh, here, it is under my desk, here you are.

    A: Thanks.

    Reading 3  the school things

      Mary has many school things. Pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, a pencil case and schoolbag. They all live in the desk. They are all friends. They are very happy. Pens, pencils, erasers live in the pencil case. Rulers and pencil case live on the desk. The schoolbag is near the desk. Mary likes them very much.

    Reading 8  Alfy goes to school

    1. Today Alfy is going to a new school, and he is not very excited. “Mom, do I have to go to school? I don’t know anybody there. I want to go back to my old school, where all my friends are.” “Alfy, just be friendly. Be yourself, and you will make lots of new friends.”(Ahhhhh)

    2. (Click on Alfy’s backpack, so he won’t forget to take it to school.)  This is going to be no fun (ahhh) Here I am at school, oh well. (Click on the school’s red door to go to class.)

    3. Hi, you must be new here. I’m Jen. You’re lucky to be here because we have a fun teacher.

    4. Class, today we have a new student with us. Alfy, tell us a little about yourself.

    5. Well, I like to… um… skateboard. Cool…yeah…wow…neat…yeah! That’s great Alfy. Maybe you can show us at recess.

    6. (Click on the teacher to start art class.) Painting is fun. Click on the blue paint to help Alfy and his friends finger paint. …but messy

    7. Now Alfy’s class is learning to read. Help him finish his book, by clicking on the word dog. The dog plays with the ball. Now click on the word ball…b-a-l-l… to go to recess

    8. Yeah! Hey Alfy, show us that skateboard thick again. Click on Alfy to see him skateboard for you. Check it out. Whoo  hoo…Hey… yeah… alright… great…yeah….

    9. (Click on Alfy’s new friends to end the school day.) see you tomorrow everybody… so long. Bye bye…bye…see you Alfy…

    10. Finally, at the end of a busy day Alfy comes home. How was school Alfy? It was fun! We finger painted, read a book, and at recess I met lots of new friends. I really like my new school.

    • 专家点评

    本节课是单词新授课,主要教授四个新单词,教师适时拓展了方位名词“near”;同时本节课巩固复习了已学句型“Where is…?It’s in/on/under ….”,拓展运用了“Is it/Are they in/on/under/behind…?Yes, it is. /they are/No, it isn’t./they aren’t.”等句型。本节课教学内容丰富充实,教学环节流畅自然,环环相扣、层层递进,最终较为成功地达成了教学目标。总体而言,本节课有以下几点值得借鉴的地方:

    1. 合理利用信息技术,创设真实的教学情境。


    2. 结合课程学习,适时适量拓展。


    3. 注重语言运用,突出生生交际。


    4. 层次突出,循序渐进。



    • 标签:
    • 教学
    • 基础教育跨越式
    • 语言
    • 运用
    • 交际
    • 句型
    • 拓展
    • 教学设计方案
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • 小学英语
    • desk
    • 本节
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