• 教育研究中的布朗讲座年会

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    Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research

    • 会议主题

    2010年:Understanding Complex Ecologies in a Changing World

    2011年:Inciting the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good

    • 会议子议题


    1. how the repertoires that people develop within and across the routine settings of their lives can be recruited to support complex learning; 
    2. how educational settings—formal and informal—can be designed to address the interrelated cognitive, social, and emotional demands of learning; 
    3. how multiple identities (eg, based on family, ethnicity, race, nationality, gender, and sexual orientation) are shaped, recruited, and managed in different settings to influence goals, efforts, and persistence in acts of learning; 
    4. how learning in organizations involves the recruitment of diverse repertoires; 
    5. how knowledge develops and is distributed across time and space;
    6. how the recruitment of diversity along multiple dimensions facilitates learning; 
    7. how learning occurs within and across time and space in complex dynamic systems;
    8. how transitions across schooling, including transitions to postsecondary education, are influenced by a range of ecological factors; 
    9. how alternative organizational spaces for education, such as for-profit schools, colleges, firms, community organizations, and museums interact with schooling in recruiting and expanding repertoires for learning.


    1.  What new tools, social arrangements, forms of assistance, and identities promote expansive and sustainable learning? 
    2. How can we use research to shape and influence public policies that pursue educational equity and quality while supporting and promoting local and regional innovation?
    3. How can research enable us to develop innovative forms of teaching and learning, curriculum and assessment that begin to address the possibilities and problems of economies and communities in economic transition, new technologies and media of communication, and attendant issues of exclusion, marginalization, and access? 
    4. In light of current knowledge, how can we advance educational and public policy on teacher preparation and retention, particularly in schools in nondominant communities?
    5. How can education research and policy articulate more closely with public policy issues in health, urban development, employment, social welfare, migration, immigration, and other affiliated areas?
    • 会议概述

    2010:The meeting is intended to encourage submissions that address the conceptual, methodological, and practical challenges and opportunities inherent in understanding how and what people learn across time and space.

    2011:The meeting is intended to encourage submissions that address the conceptual, methodological, policy, and pragmatic challenges and opportunities in re-imagining the promise and potential of education research.

    • 会议时间

    2010年:April 30 – Tuesday, May 4  Denver, Colorado

    2011年:Friday, April 8 – Tuesday, April 12  New Orleans, Louisiana

    • 标签:
    • education
    • address
    • educational
    • 学术会议
    • social
    • 学习元
    • learning
    • 2010
    • ABLER
    • research
    • public
    • 教育技术学
    • 会议
    • policy
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