
A descriptive model of information problem




  • 简介: This paper presents the IPS-I-model: a model that describes the process of information problem solving (IPS) in which the Internet (I) is used to search information. The IPS-I-model is based on three studies, in which students in secondary and (post) higher education were asked to solve information problems, while thinking aloud. In-depth analyses of the thinking-aloud protocols revealed that the IPS-process consists of five constituent skills: (a) defining information problem, (b) searching information, (c) scanning information, (d) processing information, and (e) organizing and presenting information. Further, the studies revealed that regulation skills prove to be crucial for the on-going IPS-process. The IPS-I-model depicts the constituent skills, regulation skills, and important conditional skills. The model gives an initial impetus for designing IPS-instruction.
  • 分类: 暂无分类
  • 标签:
    • 学习内容
    • problem
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • solving
    • 提示
    • descriptive
    • 超链接
    • model
    • information
    • internet
    • 内容
  • 添加标签:
  • 已添加:
    • 学习内容
    • problem
    • pdf
    • 需要
    • solving
    • 提示
    • descriptive
    • 超链接
    • model
    • information
    • internet
    • 内容