
Vocational students with severe learning




  • 简介: SEVERI, a special needs education e-learning environment, was devised to assist the learning of students with a range of physical, communicational, emotional and cognitive disabilities, which cause learning difficulties in reading, writing and perceiving. Practitioners from five European Union (EU) countries participated in a network, sharing experiences in the implementation, testing and evaluation of the e-learning environment and in the design of learning materials. This study presents the findings on evaluation questionnaire which was conducted in January 2010 in special vocational schools in Finland, Lithuania and Hungary.Twenty-three teachers, in total, participated in the study using SEVERI with 394 students in various vocational courses (cooking, house painting dressmaking, etc ...) during the period 2007–09. In the vocational education of students with severe learning difficulties, among the key weaknesses are a rigid and inappropriate curriculum, underdeveloped individual learning plans, insufficient diagnostic assessment and insufficient use of information and communication technology (Wright, 2006). Research indicates the lack of opportunities for vocational experience and for concrete practical learning, which would gradually ensure the students’ transition to work and independent living (ibid.).
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    • severe
    • students
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    • vocational
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