
Facebook as a formal instructional environment




  • 简介: It is hypothesised that the use of social networking services such as Facebook will lead the younger generation of learners to more readily embrace e-learning in formal education. Mazer, Murphy and Simonds (2009) have found that students accessing the Facebook website of a teacher with high self-disclosure reported higher levels of teacher credibility, but the research findings on the educational potential of Facebook are limited and are mainly concerned with the conditions of use and users’ characteristics. Studies by Selwyn (2009), Greenhow and Robelia (2009), Selwyn and Grant (2009), and Usluel and Mazman (2009) lead to the conclusion suggesting students generally accept Facebook as a social technology rather than a formal teaching tool. Madge, Meek, Wellens and Hooley (2009) characterise Facebook as providing the ‘social glue’ in helping students to settle into university life’, but while recognising its educational potential, express caution about invading a social networking space that students clearly feel is theirs. Bearing these points in mind, I decided to undertake a study with a small sample of undergraduate students at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey in order to gauge the extent towhich they appreciated the formal application of Facebook in their classes. It should be understood that, as in most similar countries, e-learning is still largely under-exploited in Turkey, so the students are unfamiliar with many of the tenets on which its adoption is based.
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  • 标签:
    • formal
    • environment
    • 学习内容
    • 需要
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    • facebook
    • instructional
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  • 已添加:
    • formal
    • environment
    • 学习内容
    • 需要
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    • facebook
    • instructional
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