• Keller's ARCS Model-Confidence

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    • Introduction

    MANY LEARNERS HESITATE TO PARTICIPATE in the learning process because they lack confidence. In order to spur learner confidence, the instructional design team must develop curriculum that has:

    • Clear Learning Objectives and Prerequisites

    Learners should have a clear understanding of what it is they are going to learn. Incorporating learning goals and/or objectives into lessons can be a big help. Providing examples of exemplary and acceptable work along with grading rubrics can also be a big help in making learning objectives more obvious.

    Learners can become frustrated when taking on learning tasks without the required prerequisites in place. Be sure that the prerequisites for your instruction are clear. An entry level test can often help learners determine whether or not they are qualified to enroll in a course that is built on prerequisite knowledge and skills.

    • Increasing Levels of Difficulty

    Every journey begins with a single step. The process of learning is no different. Learners will be more motivated to continue if small successes are experienced along the way. Start with a simple, but challenging lesson, and continue with lessons that are increasingly more difficult. Each successive lesson can be made more challenging by building on the knowledge and skills aquired in the previous one. However, if you make your game (or lesson) too difficult, no one will want to play. Remember, small successes along with increasing levels of difficulty will build learner confidence and keep the learners engaged.

    • Realistic Expectations

    Learners should understand that there is a correlation between the amount of energy they put into a learning experience and the amount of skill and knowledge they will gain from that experience. Using a Gantt chart or some other graphical planner to demonstrate the amount of time needed (or given) to complete a task will give the learner a clear picture of what to expect. Examples of past projects with their evaluations are also helpful in communicating you expectations to the learners.

    • Learner Controlled Elements

    Learners should feel some degree of control over their learning and assessment. They should feel that they are, for the most part, in control of their product outcomes and that their success is a direct result of the amount of effort they have put forth. Encourage students to "backwards plan" their efforts. This process will help them to determine the amount of time that they will need to spend on the learning tasks at hand.

    • Opportunities for Increased Learner Independence

    Provide plenty of opportunities for learners to practice the application of new knowledge and skills in a controlled environment before placing them in more challenging situations. It is important that they experience successes in each successive level of difficulty as this will build self-confidence. Increasing the level of learner self reliance in each step will also encourage learner independence.

    • For More Information about Keller's ARCS Model of Motivation
    • Keller's ARCS Model - Attention
    • Keller's ARCS Model - Relevance
    • Development and Use of the ARCS Model of Motivational Design by J. Keller
    • Systematic Training Program Design by S. Gordon
    • Instructional Design by T. Smith & P. Ragan
    • Author

    Brian Kick, San Diego State University Graduate Student

    • 标签:
    • difficulty
    • help
    • learners
    • confidence
    • learner
    • design
    • model
    • learning
    • arcs
    • keller
    • knowledge
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