• Graphical user interface

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    • Introduction

    1. Provide selectable areas to allow users to access information.

    2. Allow users to access information in a user-determined order. 

    3. Provide maps so that users can locate where they are and allow provisions to jump to other information of interest from the map. 

    4. Provide users with feedback to let them know that they must wait when significant time delays are required for the program to access information.

    5. Provide users with information that lets them know that they are making progress.

    6. Arrange information in a nonthreatening manner so that users are not overwhelmed by the amount of information contained in a program.

    7. Provide visual effects to give users visual feedback that their choices have been made and registered by the program.

    • 标签:
    • allow
    • feedback
    • access
    • graphical
    • know
    • introduction1.
    • visual
    • information
    • information.
    • interface
    • user
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