• Three levels of hypermedia in education

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    • Introduction

    HYPERTEXT AND HYPERMEDIA SYSTEMS ARE USED INCRESINGLY IN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS. The active participation of students is one of the major advantages of hypermedia systems. Within education, hypertext has been seen by some as a valuable new constructivist tool for supporting teaching and learning. There are three levels of hypertext in education based on the degree of learner control: read-only hypermedia, participatory, and exploratory hypermedia.

    • What is Learner Control:

    According to Milheim, (1989) learner control is defined as allowing the learner some control in an individualized lesson. The learner may control lesson pace, sequence, content, or feedback. Also they control the amount of practice, and level of difficulty.

    Learner control transfers the responsibility for learning from the designer or the computer to the student. Instead of being the object of a compiter based instruction (CBI) lesson, the student is placed in a position of importance and control. An important outcome of learner control is students assume as much personal responsibility for success and failure as is reasonable.

    • Level 1 Read-only Hypermedia

    At this level, learners have minimal control over the training event. It is similar to reading a book. This level hinders students from acquiring information, building sophisticated critical thinking and developing the habit of making connections with facts or information learned. It is appropriate for naive students who can not decide what to learn first.

    The driver is the expert and is

    guiding the learner in the rear

    sit of the vehicle to explore

    what is available.


    • Level 2 Participatory Hypermedia

    Research at this level suggests that for training to be effective the learner must be actively engaged in the learning process, and the training itself must be meaningful and relevant to the learners current needs (Knowles, 1970). Reading and writing with hypermedia empowers students, showing them that almost any interesting issue is up-for grabs.

    With the expert guidance, the learner is

    able to take control of the learning to

    certain degree. For instance, using glossaries

     and indexes as needed.


    Hypertext is similar to a library, not a book. Students participate in settings such as newsgroup and exchange information. They work together writing their own materials, augmenting others work, and replying/commenting on others works.


    • Level 3 Exploratory Hypermedia

    At this level, the hypermedia enables students to explore and construct their own learning.

    Students access broader arrays of information, such as other libraries, or team with learners from other schools making the processes of acquiring information more meaningful and relevant. Video conferencing for example, provides the necessary collaboration needed to work as a team.

    The learner is able to take full control to

    construct and collaborate learning, knowing

     where the sources of information is and

    how to obtain the information.


    This method of learning breaks down the barriers of time and place, allowing maximum flexibility for the learner. Students are provided a means to learn individually and at their own speed. Students can repeat difficult concepts, or skip already mastered skill areas.

    At this level, learners have maximum control over their learning and it is beneficial only to those who are already somewhat knowledgeable about a domain or who are generally high-achievers. They have the opportunity to explore, gather information, and create unity out of their educational experiences.

    • Reference

    Graduate Student
    Edtec 561

    • 标签:
    • education
    • explore
    • level
    • work
    • hypermedia
    • students
    • control
    • learning
    • three
    • learners
    • learner
    • information
    • levels
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