• Multimedia and multiple intelligences

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    • Introduction

    MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY CAN MAXIMIZE the Multiple Intelligences the learner possesses. According to constructivist approach to learning, integrating multimedia and multiple intelligences can improve the active participation of the learner and improve the quality of learning. This article will present how multimedia addresses the multiple intelligences and support for its use.

    • Multiple Intelligences

    Humans process and gather information differently. Dr. Howard Gardner identified different styles of learning as eight distinct intelligences: logical/mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, kinesthetic, naturalist, linguistic, and visual/spatial. Please see Multiple Intelligences Article for more information

    • How Multimedia Addresses The Multiple Intelligences

    One challenge educators face is how to deliver materials and subject matter to learners whose acquisition of knowledge depends on their mode of learning (intelligence). Gardner argues that "students...would be better served if disciplines could be presented in number of ways" (Gardner, 1993). Simply stated, we can promote students' learning via their intelligence. 
    Multimedia offers another medium that addresses these intelligences. For example, the hands-on interactivity of navigating through software-based programs with a keyboard, mouse, or touch window enhances the kinesthetic intelligence. Creating/manipulating images and videos help those with visual/spatial strengths. Visual imagery in CD-ROM programs may stimulate the mental representations that students can use in the study of other topics (Veenema, 1996). Linguistically strong students can read online stories or journal articles. Reading and phonics programs can also stimulate learning for these students.
    Multimedia programs that incorporate sound files (MP3, MPEG, and MIDI) can improve learning for musically strong students. Logical/mathematical intelligences can be maximized using online calculators, multimedia authoring programs, or problem-solving software.
    Other examples include collaborating online via listserves, chat rooms, and e-mail to enhance the interpersonal intelligence, while completing computer-assisted instruction or tutorials can maximize the intrapersonal intelligence. The naturalist student can use real-time images of the natural world as a basis of study and search online for media on the natural world. 



    • Multimedia Support

    Whether one's intelligence be logical/mathematical, linguistic, or intrapersonal, multimedia can increase the amount of information a student remembers and retains According to Computer Technology Research (CTR) Corporation, people retain only 20% of what they see...But they remember as much as 80% of what they see, hear, and do simultaneously (Hofstetter, 1997).
    Constructivists argue that passive learning fails to engage the student in his/her learning. When the teacher is sole source of information, sometimes-critical steps of learning are lost along the way (March, 2002). Multimedia actively involves the students in their learning and allows them to use the intelligence for improved learning.


    • Relation

    Claudio Zavala Jr.
    Educational Technology Department
    San Diego State University


    • 标签:
    • multimedia
    • student
    • multiple
    • students
    • online
    • visual
    • learning
    • intelligences
    • programs
    • intelligence
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