• Automaticity: A learned advantage

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    • introduction

    OVER TIME, EXPERTS ACQUIRE A LEARNED ADVANTAGE that novices lack – and you are using that advantage right now. Reflect on these events:Although seemingly simple, each event is composed of a variety of complex physical, social, and cognitive processes supported by myriads of interrelated skills. The integration of these processes and sub-skills is performed to achieve a desired goal with little or no attention placed on the supporting behaviors.
    Other than critical thinking, the majority of our day is supported by automatic processing – transparent, seamless, and without much conscious thought.

    • Automaticity and our cognitive process

    As defined by the Dual Processing Theory, automaticity or automatic processing develops from the slower more resource-limited controlled processing (Shriffrin & Schneider, 1977). During controlled processing, we acquire new knowledge to make adjustments to our mental models – it is where learning occurs.
    Since learning deals with behavioral change, controlled processing often requires large amounts of cognitive resources associated with working memory. New learning in controlled processing impacts working memory by increasing cognitive load – excessive cognitive load inhibits learning, obstructs long term memory retrieval, and leaves little or no room for higher level thinking (Schneider & Chein, 2003). 
    Automaticity which is considered a memory phenomenon (Logan, 1992) develops through overlearning. Moving beyond accuracy, overlearning content in controlled processing helps the learner to acquire the ability to move information quickly and efficiently between short term and long term memory (Samuels & Flor, 1997).
    Overlearning reduces demands on attention and cognitive resources. Since automaticity minimizes cognitive load in working memory, it leaves ample room for higher level thinking. Unlike controlled processing, there is no new learning in automatic processing.
    A key benefit of overlearning is that it triggers a cascading effect that automatically loads support skills for our higher level thinking – without the negative effects of a heavy work load. Could you imagine our world without automatic processing?

    • Cognitive process continuum

    Crawl before you walk, and walk before you run – slow and controlled leads to fast and automatic. As an infant matures into and adult over time, novices develop.
    Though it seems counter intuitive, our understanding of life generally starts simple and then becomes complex, but the cognitive processing in our brains actually starts complex and then becomes simple.
    The following table describes characteristics of the novice (controlled) and expert (automatic) along the processing continuum

    • Automaticity and our cognitive process

    Instructional designers ought to address the governing characteristics and limiting effects of controlled processing. They need to design and implement instruction that moves the learner from novice (controlled processing) to expert (automatic processing) levels. Automaticity is the learned advantage of the expert.

    • Author

    Johnnie Perry
    Graduate Student, San Diego State University
    Department of Educational Technology
    Perry, J. (2003). Automaticity: A learned advantage. In B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved

    • 标签:
    • controlled
    • memory
    • cognitive
    • learned
    • advantage
    • processing
    • automatic
    • learning
    • thinking
    • automaticity
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