• 第六组教学设计Unit_Two_My__Favourite_season_Part__A_Let

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    Unit Two My favorite season Part A Let’s learn Read and match

    1. 教学背景分析

    1. 教材分析:本单元是人教版小学英语教材五年级下册第二单元,此课时是本单元教学的第二课时,是一节词汇课,分为 Let’s learn Read and match 两部分。Let’s learn 部分以图片形式呈现Mr Jones 在课堂教学中同学分享有关季节的话题,同时图片中还提供了本课中的重点句型:Which season do you like beat ? Summer .I can go swimming every day! 这一回答最喜欢某季节及原因的功能句;Read and match 部分呈现了四季的图片各一幅及每个季节特点的描述句,展现了一年四季中的不同特点。

    2. 学情分析:学生在四年级时对天气这一话题有所接触,从而为学习季节特点奠定了基础;同时学生还在五年级上册及前一个单元的学习中学习了对做某一活动的具体表达,因而为本课学习减小了难度。但本课中autumn winter 两单词发音有一定难度需要反复练习。

    1. 教学目标

    1. 学习有关季节话题的词汇:spring summer autumnwinter season

    2. 能够利用which season do you like best? Why?询问并回答某人喜好的季节这一功能句中正确运用词汇。

    1. 教学重点难点

    1. 教学重点:学习本部分词汇:springsummer autumn winter season

    2. 教学难点:在语境中正确运用词汇;autumn winter语音练习

    1. 教学过程

    . Warming-up

    教师播放四年级下册关于天气的歌谣《How is the weather》。运用TPR教学法引导学生边唱边做,复习形容天气的单词coldwarmcoolhot


    T: What’s the weather like ?

    SIt’s hot/warm/cool/cold.




    (设计意图: 通过哥要复习有关四季温度特点的知识, 为下一步教学做好铺垫。)

    . Presentation

    1. 教师出示春天图片,引导学生观察并提问:What can you see in this picture? What color are they? What’s the weather like in this picture? Which season is it? 引导学生回答:I can see flowers and trees. Flowers are colorful. Trees are green. It’s warm. It’s spring. 教师带领学生操练并纠正发音,并板书到黑板上,追问:Why do you like spring? 引导学生回答:Spring is green with flowers and songs. 鼓励学生表达喜欢春天的原因。

    2. 教师出示夏天图片,引导学生观察并提问:What can you see in this picture? What color are they?What’s the weather like in this picture? Which season is it? 引导学生回答:I can see grass and trees. The days are long.It’s hot. It’s summer. 教师带领学生操练并纠正发音,并板书到黑板上,追问:Why do you like summer? 引导学生回答:Summer is hot and days are long . 鼓励学生表达喜欢夏天的原因。

    3. 教师出示秋天图片,引导学生观察并提问:What can you see in this picture? What color are they? What’s the weather like in this picture? Which season is it? 引导学生回答:I can see apples, sky and trees. Everywhere is golden. Sky is blue. It’s cool. It’s autumn. 教师带领学生操练并纠正发音,并板书到黑板上,追问:Why do you like summer? 引导学生回答:Autumn is golden and farmers are busy 鼓励学生表达喜欢秋天的原因。

    4. 教师呈现出动态冬天的雪景图片,并提问:What can you see in this picture? What color are they? 学生回答:I can see snow, trees… They are white. 教师继续追问:What’s the weather like in this picture? 引导学生回答:It’s cold.教师引导问:Take a guess which season it is? 学生回答:冬天。 教学单词: winter, 同时板书。帮助学生找发音规则,纠正发音。教师问: Do you like winter? 学生回答:Yes, I do. 教师问: Why? 学生答:Because winter is white and the year is gone. What’s more, I can make a snowman. 教师引导学生说出更多喜欢冬天的原因。让学生对是否喜欢冬天及喜欢冬天的原因展开操练。


    利用游戏Big Boom复习所有单词。



    1. 师生对话练习(示范后小组展开练习)

    THow many seasons in a year? What are they?

    S: Four. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

    T: Which season do you like best?

    S: XXX.

    T:Why do you like XXX best?

    S: Because…



    1. 教师播放一篇语篇材料并引导学生做听力拓展并回答问题完成习题(Page19 Read and write

    2. 教师播放一篇对话材料并引导学生做听力拓展并回答问题完成习题


    1. 教师出示对话阅读材料和相关问题,引导学生阅读并回答。

    2. 教师出示语篇阅读材料和相关问题,引导学生阅读并回答。


    S1:Good morning! It’s cold today.

    S2:Yeah.Winter is cold here. So I don’t like winter.

    S1:Which season do you like best?

    S2:I like summer best.


    S2:Because summer is sunny and hot.I can eat ice cream. I can wear my skirt. I usually go swimming in summer. What about you?

    S1:I like autumn. Because it’s cool. I like eating moon cakes in Mid-autunm Day . I can wear my shirt. I can pick apples.

    S2: Wow. So cool!



    1. 听读本单元录音20分钟,将所学知识展示给朋友或家人听。

    2. 做同步训练配套练习题。

    3. 同学间利用所学知识,新编对话,进行练习。


    Unit Two My favourite season

    Part A Let’s Learn Read and Match

    Which season Why do you like XXX best?

    do you like best?

    spring Spring is green with flowers and songs.

    summer Summer is hot and days are long.

    autumn Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.

    winter Winter is white and the year is gone.

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