• Revision - Unit 2 Food and health教学设计

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    Teaching plan for the lesson

    佛山市禅城区南庄镇吉利小学 黎毅峰

    Teaching content:

    Revision - Unit 2 Food and health.

    Teaching aims:

    1. Ss can read and say some pieces of healthy eating tips.

    2. Ss can distinguish between good habits and bad habits.

    3. Ss can give suggestions to the bad habits.

    Teaching important points:

    1. Some kinds of food words: grains, vegetables, fruit and so on.

    2. Good habits and bad habits.

    3. Some useful suggestions to the bad habits.

    Teaching difficult points:

    Ss can distinguish between good habits and bad habits.

    Teaching aids:

    CAI, cardboards and some learning materials.

    Teaching procedures:

    Teaching Stages

    Teacher’s talk

    Students’ Activities

    Stage 1.


    --Let’s sing a song - Try new food.

    --Listen and sing the song.

    Stage 2.


    1. Ask Ss to say the four parts of the healthy eating Pyramid.

    --What are these?

    --What food can you see?

    2. --What do we know from the pyramid?

    3. --Can you give me more healthy eating tips?

    --Look at the pyramid and answer the questions.

    --Say out the healthy eating tips.

    --Tell more healthy eating tips.

    Stage 3.


    1. Ask Ss to work in four-student group, read the sentences and classify the good habits and the bad habits.

    2. --Listen and check.

    3. --Read the good habits.

    --Work in group. Classify the sentences and stick them on the cardboards.

    --Listen and check in group.

    --Read the sentences together.

    Stage 4.


    1. Put the suggestions on the walls and ask the students to work in group and match the suggestions to the bad habits.

    2. Check the answers.

    --Work in group and write down the letter of the suggestion after the corresponding bad habit.

    --Tell the answers and read out the sentences.

    Stage 5.

    Dictation and reading.

    1. Ask Ss to do a mutual dictation to complete the text.

    2. --Let’s check in pair.

    3. --Write down Fatty’s bad habits.

    4. --Fatty wants to be fit and beautiful. Can you help her? Give your suggestions to the bad habits.

    5. --Has she got any good habits?

    --What is it?

    --Do a mutual dictation.

    --Check in pair.

    --Read the text and write down Fatty’s bad habits in the table.

    --Write down the suggestions to the bad habits.

    --Answer the questions.

    Stage 6.


    1. Ask Ss to watch a video.

    2. Ask Ss to make a poster about good habits. And show the criteria.

    --Watch a video.

    --Make a poster.

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    • 标签:
    • unit
    • and
    • health
    • food
    • revision
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