• 菁菁小学-丁翠红-英语-Unit 3 My friends

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    Unit3 My friends

    B Let’s talk



    • 教学内容:

      PEP 4    Unit3 my friends B Let’s talk第四课

    • 教材分析:

       本节课是第三单元的第四课时,属于会话教学课,主要是引导学生对朋友的外貌特征和喜好做大概的描述,并能够猜测出朋友。要求学生能区分男女分别用哪些人称代词,对he ,his & she, her这些代词与物主代词的初步认识和运用。

    • 学情分析:


    • 教学目标:

    1. Knowledge aims: By ending of the class the students will be able to understand ,read and speak“He’s…..He has…….His shoes are…”and can ask “Who’s he? Is he…?”

    2. Skill aims: The students will be able to describe friends and guess friends by using the sentence structure

    3. Emotion aim: Let them know “make friends in your life and make your life colourful”.

    • 教学重点:

       能够在实际生活中,结合一定的语言情景描述朋友的特征能够在情景中恰当运用句型He has…and his…描述外貌特征;能够在语境中理解新词or ,right ,glasses, shoe 的意思,并能正确发音。

    • 教学难点:

      Glasses 和shoes 的末尾-es 和-s 的发音需要重点关注。

    • 教学用具:


    • 教学评价:

     1. 小组评价:通过争得身体部位的图片进行小组之间的评价。 2. 个人评价  3. 学生互评

    • 教 法:


    • 学 法:


    • 教学步骤:

    Step 1 Warming up & Revision


    教师(指着一名男生)问一个学生What’s his name?然后让这个回答问题的学生继续向另一个学生问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。(注:如指的是女生则用What’s her name?来询问)                              

     2.Say something about your friend: I have a friend. He/She has… He/She is… He/She likes…   


    (设计意图:       通过做游戏让学生迅速进入学习英语的状态,复习了上节课所学的内容,为本节课学习做铺垫。)


    Step 2 Presentation & Practice


    教师手拿一本书:I have a book. Guess! A maths book or A Chinese book?教师手拿一个苹果:I have an apple. Guess! Red or green?

    2.教师自己蒙上眼睛,随便点一位学生,问全班“Boy or girl?” 学生答“A boy.”教师问:What’s his name?

    3.教师出示Mike的面具(给学生看面具背面),问学生Boy or girl? 学生答出boy.教师再问:What’s his name?

    4.教师出示John的面具(给学生看面具背面),问学生Boy or girl? 学生答出boy。教师再问:What’s his name?

    5.教师:Mike and John are talking about their friends.让学生观看教学课件。

    6. Show them a picture.

    John has a friend let’s guess who is he/she?

      A boy or girl?

      Tall or short?

    7. Listen to the tape and answer the question:

      Who is john’s friend?     Wu Yifan

    8. Listen to the tape again and answer the question:

      What’s he like?

      Ss will answer: “He’s a boy .He’s tall and thin .He has glasses . His shoes are blue”.

    9. Look at the picture and teach them :

     He has glasses. His shoes are blue.

     She has ……  Her ……  are…

    10. Make a chant about: He has glasses.  His glasses are black He has shoes .   His shoes are blue. She has ……    Her ……  are….

    11. Listen the third time and imitate.

    12. Work in pairs ask and answer.

    (设计意图:       通过不同的操练形式练习所学知识,巩固了新知识。)


    Step 3 Consolidation & Production

    1.听音猜人。教师让猜谜的人到前面来,背对全班,然后让一位学生站起来用英语跟他说一句话。全班同学先一起问:Boy or girl? 猜的学生要根据说话人的声音判断性别。如果回答对了,全班同学再问:What’s his/her name? 猜的学生要继续回答出说话人的姓名。全班同学用Yes或No来判断对错。猜的学生规定有5次机会,如果回答5次还猜不出来,就算输了。



    3.    Let’s sing:学唱歌曲

    4.    老师提供内容让学生造句子。

    老师拿出班级同学的画像让他的朋友描述,其他学生work in groups to talk about your friends .Describe your friends and make a new dialogue by using the key words and the sentence structure

    5. Read 2 short passages and get Ss to do some exercises.



    Step 4 Summary & Homework


    Watch the video about friends and let them know “

    Make friends in your life and make your life colorful.”


    (1)Copy the dialogue and recite(必做  )

     (2)Introduce your friends to your family(选做)


    Step 5 Bb Design

                                                                                                   Unit3 My friends

    B Let’s talk

    He’s…..He has…….

                                                                                               His shoes are…

                                                                                               Who’s he? Is he…?

    • 标签:
    • 菁菁
    • unit
    • 小学
    • 英语
    • my
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