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    Book 6 Unit 5 On the Farm

    Unit 1 what’s he like?

    Section B Let’s learn

    I. The analysis of the teaching contents:

    The topic of this unit is “What’s he like?” Such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is helpful to raise the Ss' learning interests. This section is the second part of this unit. In this lesson, the main point is to learn some new words and apply them in real situation. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this topic.

    II. The analysis of the students:

    The students in Grade 5 have learned English for two years. They are active and lovely. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. They have strong interest and confidence in studying English now.

    III. Teaching aims and demands:

    By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to

    A. Ability aims:

    1. develop the ability of listening and speaking.

    2. imitate the dialog to describe people and express their own opinions.

    2. develop the ability of cooperation.

    B. Knowledge aims:

    1. understand and say the new sentences: What’s he like? He is…

    2. understand and say the new words: polite,shy, clever,helpful,hard-working

    3. use the sentence patterns in the real situation.

    C. Emotional aims:

    1. love English learning and have the confidence to say English.

    2. have the spirit of cooperation.

    3. love school life and good friends around them.

    IV. Teaching key and difficult points:

    A. Teaching key points:

    1. understand and say the new words: polite,shy, clever,helpful,hard-working

    2. enquire and response the questions about “ what’s he like? He is …”

    B. Teaching difficult points:

    1. express individual viewpoints about someone.

    2. use the sentences in real situation.

    V. Teaching methods:

    Task-based Teaching Method, Communicative Approach, TPR, Situational Approach

    VI. Teaching time: 40 minutes

    VII. Teaching aids: flashcards, tape recorder,PPT

    VIII. Teaching procedures:


    T’s activities

    Ss’ activities




    T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? How is he? What’s he like?

    2.write the topic on the blackboard

    3.divide groups.

    4.sing a song

    Ss:fine.thank you.

    He is fine.

    He is kind.

    Sing the song.

    老师和学生打招呼,增进与学生的距离。通过询问班上某位同学身体好吗,进一步引出本课话题what’s he like?分组利于小组竞争和合作意识。唱歌活跃课堂气氛。

    Presentation and practice

    1.show picture Xi yangyang and ask Ss“who is he?”

    present the new word clever”and have Ss clap the flashcard while repeating“clever”.

    2.present the key structure “what’s Xi yangyang like? He is…”and write them on the blackboard.

    3.show pictures and present “shy”“polite”“helpful”

    4.show picture bees and ask

    Ss “how many bees ?”

    Present “they are hard-working”

    5. play a game“what’s missing?”

    6.game “who’s the winner?”

    7.pair-work. Have Ss choose their lucky number to ask and answer with their partner.

    1. learn the new words and read the new words after the tape.

    2. Learn the new structure.

    3. Learn the other new words.

    4. Answer the teacher’s question and pay attention to “they are”.

    5. 6.Play the game

    7.Choose their lucky number to ask and answer with partner.

    1. 通过呈现学生熟知并喜欢的喜羊羊图片来学习新词clever,能激发学生的兴趣。通过让学生一边拍图片一边重复新单词来加深对新词的巩固。

    2. 通过新单词clever引出新句型,既可以加深巩固新词,又可以将新词运用于真实情景中,利于学生语言的运用。

    3. 用思路相同但操练不同的方法学习其它新词。

    4. 展示蜜蜂图片,让学生感知复数人称的运用。

    5. 用两个游戏来操练所有新词,利于巩固所学。

    6. Lucky number可以发挥学生的自主意识和在真实语境中运用所学词汇和句型。


    Group work:

    Guide Ss to interview their friends and then make a report.

    Try to interview their friends and describe to make a report.


    Wrap up

    1. Enable Ss to sum up what we learnt today.

    2. emotional teaching: try to love people around us.

    3. Which group is the best?

    1. think and say.

    2. Experience the happiness of group cooperation.

    1. 让学生自己总结本课所学。

    2. 体验小组合作的快乐。


    1Listen and read.

    2.write the new words.

    3.try to love ,help and be polite to people around us.


    IX. Blackboard design:

    Unit 1 what’s he like?






    What’s Xi yangyang like?

    He is clever.

    They are hard-working.

    X. Teaching reflection

    (write immediately after class. )

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