• 官亭陈玲Where is my car?

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    PEP三年级英语下册Unit4 Where is my car?第二课时教学设计

    • 教学内容:

     Part A. Let’s learn

                 Let’s do

    • 教学目标:

    1、在语境中初步感知、尝试运用Where is …?It’s in/on/under …询问和回答物品所在的位置。


    2、能够听说in ,on ,under 三个方位介词和单词desk, chair.



    • 教学重点、难点:

    1、能够听说in, on, under三个方位介词和单词desk ,chair.


    2、在语境中初步感知、尝试运用Where is …?It’s in/on/under …询问和回答物品所在的位置。



    • 教学内容与过程:

    Step1 Warm-up/Revision

    T:Hello,boys and girls.

    Ss: Hello,teacher.

    T:Nice to see you.

    Ss: Nice to see you, too.

    T:How are you today?

    Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?

    T:I'm fine, too.

    Step2 Revision

    1、播放歌曲The cat is from the UK的录音,让全班同学边拍手边唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛. 

    2、师生利用文具进行句型练习:Where is my pencil/ruler...?Here it is! 

    Step3 Presentation and practice


    Boys and girls,Let’s begin our English class now. Uh-oh!Where is my English book?I can’t find it. Can you help me?师做找的动作:Where is my English book?生: on the desk ? 生:in the desk ?No. 师:Uh-oh!Look,It’s under the desk.  we'll learn how to ask for the position of something.板书课题:Where is my car?

    2、 学习单词 in /on


    T:Now look at the screen .Where is the cat?

    S:It’s in the truck(In the truck.)

    T:Now look at the dog .Where is the dog?

    S:It’s on the log(on the log.)

    T:(师单击课件,出现单词in)Who can read it?Have a try.


    ②、师拿一枝铅笔分别放到书里、铅笔盒里、书包里T:Now look at me.Where is the pencil?

    S:In the book\pencil box\bag.

    ③、T:Now show me your pencil. Listen and do.

    Put your pencil in your book.(边说边把铅笔放在书里)

    Put your pencil in your pencil box.

    Put your pencil in your desk.

    3、 学习单词 desk


    跟读—书空—板书(写到in,然后中间加the,in the desk)

    ②T:Super.Now look carefully.Where is the bag?

    S:In the desk.

    T:(把书包放到桌子上)Where is the bag now?

    S:On the desk.

    ②拿一把尺子,分别放到书上、铅笔盒上、桌子上问:Now look here. Where is the ruler?

    S:On the book\pencil box\desk.

    ③T:Show me your ruler.Now listen and do.

    Put your ruler on your book.

    Put your ruler on your head.

    Put your ruler on your desk.

    Put your hand on your desk.

    Put your hand in your desk.

    Put your arm on your desk.

    Put your arm in your desk.

    Put your hand under your desk.(师边说边做under动作)

    4、 学习新词under和chair

    ①T:Where is the ball?  S:Under the box.( under  under  under)

    ②T:(师拿一铅笔盒)分别放到书下、书包下、桌子下、椅子下:Where is the pencil box?

    S:Under the book/bag/desk/chair。(chair chair chair )

    列读under the chair。


    T:Next let’s play a fun game. Ok? If he or she is near the card “chair”,we say “where is the chair”loudly. If he or she is far from it, we say quietly.)

    T:Oh,The chair is under   ’s book .Do you want to know where Zip’s ruler is?Now let’s see.呈现课文

    5、 Practice

    ① 听音跟读课文

    T:Who can tell me where Zip’s ruler is?

    S:It’s under the chair.

    T:Very good. Zip’s ruler is under the chair.在此处对学生进行教育,用完的文具要放回原处。

    ② Listen and number。

    T:Now let’s check. OK? Listen and number.



    6、 Listen and do

    T:You all did good job. Now Let’s do some exercises. Ok?

    ①师慢速说一遍②播放Let’s do.③放大窗口,跟读,做动作④跟录音一起做一⑤如有时间做一个听音判断对错的练习。

    Put your foot under your chair.

    Put your hand on your chair.

    Put your arm in your desk.

    Put your hand under your desk.


    T:Now let’s go to Sarah’s classroom to have a look .Discuss the stationary in the classroom. Where is it? Practise  in pairs.

    出示课本39页A.Let’s learn图。让学生两人一组进行问答练习。然后汇报。

    8、 创编对话。

    T:(师接一同学的对话,找自己的东西,创编一个情景对话)Can you make up a dialogue like this?出示课件要求,学生小组内编对话,然后汇报。

    • Stage4:Homework



    • 标签:
    • chair
    • book
    • is
    • lets
    • ruler
    • my
    • pencil
    • look
    • 单词
    • 学生
    • car
    • desk
    • 陈玲
    • desk.put
    • where
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