• 肥西丽景赵玉莹Unit2 My favourite season (第五课时)

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    • Unit2 My favourite season (第五课时)

    B Read and write 教学设计

                                                                                                肥西丽景小学  赵玉莹


    • 【教案设计理念】



    教学内容:2013新版pep教材书《英语》五年级下册unit 2 my favourite season.

    B Read and write


    • 【学情分析】


    • 【教学目标】


    (1)能听、说、认读单词vacation, all, pink, lovely, leaf(leaves), fall和 paint.



    (4)学生能够在学习中,注意书写规范。并学会用此句型回答:I like …, because ….



    (2)学生能够根据教学内容回答对四季的喜好的问题,并做恰当的回答,完成句子填写的活动:I like …, because ….



    • 【教学重点】

    1、句型:I like …, because ….学会在生活中恰当使用。

    2、词汇:fall,leaf的复数变化, play in the snow

    • 【教学难点】


    2、学生能够在学习中,注意书写规范。并学会用此句型回答:I like …, because ….

    • 【教学准备】


    • 【教学过程】
    • 一、热身互动Warm-up(Pre-reading)


    T:Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? What’s the weather like today?

    Which season is it now?

    Ss: Spring.

    T: I like spring because there are lots of beautiful flowers. Do you like spring? Why?

    (Which season do you like best?  Why? )


    • 二、新课教学Presentation (While-reading)

    T: Some students like spring best. Some like summer best. Which season does Robin like best? So, boys and girls, let’s read a story and have a PK, OK?(在黑板上贴出男女孩的头像,代表两大组。本课中,答对一次问题可为自己组赢得一个字母或一个单词。最先连成“Every season brings its joy.”的获胜。


    (1)默读课文(Read silently), 思考问题:

    Q: Which season does Robin like ?

    A. Spring. B. Autumn. C. Summer. D. All the four seasons


    (2)请学生回答后,教师顺势说:Yes, Robin likes all the four seasons. That means Robin likes them all.(板书并强调likes和them。)


    2. 设计细节问题,分段理解文章。


    (1)出示春天的图片,请学生用英语描述。(Look at the green trees and pink flowers.)

    (2)听第一段录音,思考:Why does Robin like spring?


    (4)试着说出你自己喜欢春天的原因,用到句式:I like spring because…


    (1)出示夏天的图片,T: What’s the weather like in summer ?

    (The weather is hot, hot, hot!)

    T: Let’s go swimming. It’s cool. Can Robin swim? Ss: No, he can’t.

    T:Yes, Robin can’t swim because he is a robot. So, does Robin like summer?

    (2)听第二段录音,思考:Does Robin like summer?

    T: Do you know why? (Maybe he likes sunny days. Maybe his friends can swim, he feels happy, too.)


    (4)试着说出你自己喜欢夏天的原因,用到句式:I like summer because…

    ③ 学习关于秋天的段落

    (1)出示秋天的图片,T: Do you like the colours? Yes, the colours are lovely/pretty/beautiful! What lovely colours! 启发学生说出What pretty/beautiful colours!并让学生明白Robin likes autumn because the colours are lovely.

    (2)出示落叶的动画,教师诵读The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall.

    教师用自制课件和卡片让学生 知道leaf: 树叶 (单数)      leaves: 复数

    Q: The last “fall” means _______.

          A: autumn        B: pretty         C: cute        D: cool                                                                                                                                    

    (3)T: Yes, autumn can paint a picture. It’s colourful and beautiful. So Robin says: Wow! I want to paint a picture, too!(用课件让学生明白paint并模仿Robin的语气。)

    ④ 学习关于冬天的段落

    (1)出示冬天的图片,T: What’s the weather like in winter ?

    There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.

    (2)听第四段录音,思考:Why does Robin like winter?


    (4)试着说出你自己喜欢冬天的原因,用到句式:I like winter  because…


    • 三、练习读课文(Practice )

    1.指导朗读,跟读。教师和另一个 学生示范读,再请学生两两示范读。(要求:正确跟读、朗读清晰、大声跟读、没有拖音、模仿语调)

    2.自由朗读短文。(Work in pairs.)(要求:正确、流利、有感情)



    • 四、输出Production(Post-reading)

    1. 出示教师自己的季节书(season book)。

    2. 学生小组活动制作季节书。


    • 五、总结Summery

    1. 欣赏歌曲:What’s your favourite season?这首 歌曲可以放在热身部分。

    2. 结合男女PK,渗透思想教育:感受四季的美,并树立保护自然环境的意识,并且教育他们珍惜春天的时间,努力学习。

    Every season brings its joy, so let’s enjoy the happy life and the beautiful environment all the time.

    Study in spring

                                                By Ms Zhao

              The spring time,   March, April and May.

              The best time,     sunny, warm and happy. 

              The study time,    don’t  forget to study




    • Homework:





                                 Unit 2 My favourite season

                                    Robin likes them all.


                spring                         There are beautiful flowers everywhere.

                summer                       I like sunny days.(maybe)

    I like     autumn       because   the colours are lovely.

                Winter                         I can play in the snow.

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    • 教学
    • 课时
    • 肥西
    • unit2
    • my
    • favourite
    • robin
    • spring
    • 学习
    • 学生
    • 设计
    • 课文
    • season
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