• Teaching Plan for Unit 1

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    Teaching Plan
    for Unit 1, Module 9, Book 3

    The population of China is about 1.37 billion.

    (Period 1: Vocabulary Learning)

    By Manli He

    • Lesson Type: New teaching

    • Approaches: Interactive approach

    • Adjective: To learn some new words

    • Purpose: To help students understand the population-related topics easily

    • Key words: noise, prepare, notes, report, grow---grew, huge, cause, problem,
      n./v.) , birth, billion, fifth, hang on, traffic, space

    • Tools: OHP, handouts

    • Teaching Procedures:

    Step1 Warm-up

    1. Greetings

    2. Look at the pictures and ask and answer the following questions
      1) What is the population of Shenzhen?
      2) What is the population of Foshan?

    3. Talk about the picture on Page 72 in group of 4
      1) What can you see in the picture?
      2) Do you like living in a big city with a large population? Why or why not?

    Step 2 Learning

    1. Read the new words

    1. Pre-learning. Go through the key words and then finish the table below.

    I can read

    I think I can read

    I can’t read

    1. While-learning.
      1) Check out the words which the students can read or can’t read.
      2) Teach the words that they can’t read.

    2. Post-learning. Complete the table again.

    I can read

    I think I can read

    I can’t read

    1. Practice reading the new words

    1. Know the meaning of the new words

    1. Pre-learning. Go through the key words and then finish the table below.

    I know the meaning

    I think I know the meaning

    I don’t know the meaning

    1. While-learning
      Have students guess the meaning of the word that they don’t understand with the help of the sentences below.

    1. It is quiet. It is not noisy. So do not make any noise. The baby is sleeping.

    2. They are preparing (prepare) for the coming Christmas & New Year.

    3. We should take notes in our notebooks when the teacher tells us something important.

    4. I am writing a report about your study at school this term.

    5. Beijing is a huge (very large) city with a large population.

    6. Do you have any problems (difficulty) in studying English?
      Do you have any
      huge problems in studying Chinese / maths?

    7. a) When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.
      b) We
      grow rice in the south of China.
      c) Villages and farms are
      growing bigger.
      d) The population of Foshan is

    8. The population of the world is increasing.

    9. The large population causes a lot of problems, such as too much traffic and noise.

    10. Pandas are having trouble in giving birth to baby pandas.

    11. The population of China is about 1.37 billion.

    12. There are five students standing at the front of the classroom. The fifth one is the tallest of all.

    13. Hang on a minute” means “wait a minute”.

    14. There are too many cars on the road. The traffic is very heavy.

    15. a) There is not enough space for pandas to live in peace.
      b) I hope to travel in
      space by spaceship one day.

    1. While-learning

    Teach the new words.

    1. Post-learning

    I know the meaning

    I think I know the meaning

    I don’t know the meaning

    Step 3 Practice

    1. Finish Activity 4 on Page 73

    2. Complete the sentences

    1. My mother is _____________ (准备) food and drinks for the picnic.

    2. An elephant is a ____________ (巨大的) animal.

    3. What ___________ (引起) last night’s accident?

    4. Did you hear the weather __________ (报告) carefully?

    5. How many ___________ (出生) are there in a year?

    6. We can see b__________ of stars in the sky at night sometimes.

    7. One f_________ is zero point two (0.2).

    8. Many trees g__________ on both sides of the street.

    9. We should make n___________ as we listen to the teacher in class.

    10. Don’t make any n_________ in the library. You have to keep quiet.

    11. The number of cars is i______________ fast.

    12. The increasing / growing population is a big p___________ in many countries.

    1. Match the meanings with the words if time allows

    Step 4 Closure

    1. Let students think & say what they learnt in this lesson.

    2. Go over the new words.

    Step 5 Assessment

    1. Have a dictation of the key words.

    2. Fill the blanks with the correct form of the words and expression.
      (billion, birth, fifth, problem, report, huge, prepare, increase, make notes of, cause)

    1. Congratulations on the __________ of your daughter!

    2. Her house is ________. I like it very much.

    3. The homeless are on the ________ in many cities. We need to do something to help them.
      Food prices ___________ by ten percent last year.

    4. One ____________ is the same as twenty percent.

    5. Students should ________________ their mistakes and work on them.

    6. Many European countries now have economic (经济的) ______________.

    7. According to recent news _________, two of the victims (受害者) are Americans.

    8. Airlines have lost _________ of dollars because of the foggy weather.

    9. The teacher is ____________ some notes for tomorrow’s lesson.

    10. The growing population ___________ a lot of problems.

    Step 6 Homework

    1. Finish all the exercises which haven’t been done in the class.

    2. Complete “Frayer Model” by using the new words that we learnt in this lesson.


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    • 标签:
    • think
    • read
    • for
    • words
    • students
    • teaching
    • population
    • unit
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    • know
    • step
    • huge
    • plan
    • key
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