• Teaching Plan Chapter 2 邓鸿都

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    2015~2016学年 英语 学科教学设计

    佛山市实验学校 邓鸿都


    Chapter 2


    Our colourful clothes


    1. Vocabularies of Colours & Clothes:

    四会词汇: red green yellow pink purple blue white black brown grey

    T-shirt, shirt, blouse, dress, skirt, jacket, hat, trousers, shorts, sock(s), shoe(e)

    三会:jean, vest, sweater

    What are you wearing today? I am wearing a... today.

    1. Say, ask and answer clothes about colours and introduce other.

    This is jenny.

    Her/ His blouse is pink and yellow.

    Our/ Their shorts are white and black.

    1. Use and add information.

    … and … is …

    Description of one’s wearing.

    She is kind/nice.


    1. Vocabularies

    2. Dialogues about colours and clothes.

    3. Description of the colour of clothes.


    1. 学生能正确熟练认、记和读出上一单元所学的有关颜色、以及本单元衣服类型的词汇,正确流利地朗读课文句型。

    2. 能就衣服及颜色问答进行交际会话;能用所学语言描述穿着。

    3. 培养学生大胆用英语表述的自信和能力,训练语音语感。



    2. 网络资源

    3. 实物利用、图画、颜色笔





    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Sing the song <Who is wearing yellow today?>

    2. Revision of the coolours

    Step 2: Presentation

    1. Game: Who is wearing red today? Stand up! (change the colour to practice! )

    2. Present pictures and learn What colour is it/are they about the clothesAnd the clothes’ name?

    It is …/They are…

    1. Learn the clothes on P13.

    Step 3: Practice.

    Exercises on PPT.

    Step 4: Summary

    1. Colours

    2. Clothes

    Review the colours that we learned last unit.

    And according to the revision we start to learn the words about clothes.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Sing the song <Who is wearing yellow today?>

    2. Revision of the coolours, and what we learned yesterday.

    Step 2: Presentation

    1. Game: Who is wearing red blouse today? Stand up! (change the colours and the type of clothes to practice! )

    2. Present pictures and learn What colour is it/are they about the clothesAnd the clothes’ name?

    It is …/They are…

    1. Learn the clothes on P13.

    Step 3: Practice.

    Exercises on PPT.

    Step 4: Summary

    1. Colours

    2. Clothes

    Review the colours that we learned last unit.

    And according to the revision we start to learn the words about clothes.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Play the game of revision.

    2. Say what the colour and the types of clothes and the number of them like---- blue shirt, two pink blouses.

    Step 2: Listening and Imitating.

    1. Listen to the reading

    2. Learn the sentences on P13.

    3. Learn phonics UN and learn the words with pictures to help to understand. (shorts she shirt shoes; queen quiet quilt)

    Step 3: Practice.

    1. Tell your partners the clothes you suppose to wear. And describe exchange.

    2. Read the sentences through the teacher and group works.

    Step 4: Summary and revise.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Guessing game of colours &clothes.

    2. Read the P13.

    Step 2: Learning and imitating.

    1. Showing pictures and practice ( one shirt/ three shirts, one jacket/ two jackets, a dress/ four dresses,…)

    2. Having dialogues:

    Practice the sentences 1&2 in p13 by group work.

    Step 3: Group Working.

    Pair working: Making dialogues on P14.

    according to the sentences 1&2 in p13,do the practice about the practise1 in p14.. And then choose some teams to come in front and show.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Guessing game of colours &clothes.

    2. Read the reading.

    Step 2: Group Working.

    1. Practice what we learned yesterday and make progress-- try to create the new sentences to describe the other groupmates clothes colour.

    Step 3: Show& Summary


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Guessing game of colours &clothes.

    2. Read the P13.

    Step 2: Learning and imitating.

    1. Showing pictures and practice ( one shirt/ three shirts, one jacket/ two jackets, a dress/ four dresses,…)

    1. Having dialogues:

    Practice the sentences 3&4 in p13 by group work.

    Step 3: Group Working.

    Pair working: Making dialogues on P15.

    according to the sentences 3&4 in p13,do the practice about the practise2 in p15. And then choose some teams to come in front and show.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Guessing game of colours &clothes.

    2. Read the reading.

    Step 2: Group Working.

    1. Practice what we learned yesterday and make progress-- try to create the new sentences to describe the other groupmates clothes colour.

    Step 3: Show& Summary


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Play the game of revision.

    2. Say what the colour you like and tell teacher what are you wearing today.

    Step 2: Listening and Imitating.

    1. Listen to the reading in p10, and number the sentences and try to get the clothes in the reading: blouse skirt dress shoes shirt trousers hat T-shirt.

    Step 3: Practice.

    1. Tell your friend the clothes you like in P10.

    2. Read the chant in rythem.

    3. Do the exercises on P12.

    Step 4: Summary and revise.


    Step 1: Warming up & Revision.

    1. Read the reading by follow little teachers.

    2. Showing your favourite clothes.

    Step 2: Learning and imitating.

    1. Turn to p15, read and fill in the blanks.

    2. Read together.

    Step 3: Practice.

    1. Each groups get 5 papers, the groupmates design the big house together and colour it in 1 paper. Each groupmates draw their own puppets.

    2. Try to describe your puppet according to step2 in p16, to share your puppet to your groupmates.


    Step 1: Revision& Practice.

    1. Describe your puppet according to step2 in p16, to share your puppet to your groupmates.

    Step 2: Show time.

    1. Invite each groups to come in front and share their puppet house by taling. The other groups try

    2. Stick it on the blackboard.

    3. Choose which house do you like best and say it out.

    Step 3: Summary.



    Step 1: Revision& Practice.

    1. Describe your puppet according to step2 in p16, to share your puppet to your groupmates.

    Step 2: Show time.

    1. Invite each groups to come in front and share their puppet house by taling. The other groups try

    2. Stick it on the blackboard.

    3. Choose which house do you like best and say it out.

    Step 3: Summary.

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    • chapter
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    • teaching
    • clothes
    • revision.
    • clothes.
    • warming
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    • colours
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