• 付家台-李戴宏-英语-lesson9

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    • Lesson 9 Would you like to come to my room?.lesson 9修改版.docx


    本课是北京出版社义务教育教科书英语二年级下册的第3单元lesson9的第一课时。本课的情景是Lingling邀请同学Maomao和Guoguo来家里玩,询问他们想不想进她的房间。重点句Would you like ... ?将在四年级上册继续深入学习,因此本课有着重要的启下作用。

    • 教学重点

    Listen and say: Would you like to come to my room?- Yes, We’d love to.

    New words: room, chair, bed, love, sit


    • 教学难点:

    1. 学生能够听懂、会说新句型,并将新句型、对话与自己的实际情况结合起来, 进行灵活运用。

    2. 在掌握肯定回答的基础上拓展否定婉拒回答的说法。


    • 教学目标:
    1. 能在一定情境中听懂、会用“Would you like to come to my room?”礼貌地邀请对方并作出肯定的回答“Yes, we’d love to.”  并在教师的拓展下作出否定婉拒的回答。

    2. 能理解、认读本课的单词及动词短语room, love, sit, bed, chair, come to my room, read books, ride my bike, play with my toys.并运用这些短语进行交流

         3. 知道对别人的赞美表示感谢;懂得在别人家做客时不乱动主人的物品。


    • 教学过程


    Step 1 Warming up:

    1. Let’s play

    Watch and match pictures.

    This is my pencil.

    This is my chair.

    This is my book.

    This is my desk.

    2. Free talk

    What day is today?   -It's ... .

    What time is it?   -It's ... .

    What’s this?   -This is my … .

    Do you like ... ?  -Yes, I do.

    Wow, your .. is cool.  -Thank you!


    Step 2 Presentation:

    1. Show the theme picture.

    Look at the picturewhat can you see?

    I can see a desk, a chair… .

    T:Do you like the desk\ chair\ bike..?  Ss: Yes, I do. 

    加生生 对话来操练 新词。

    本环节是理解课文,先不做任何操练,Do you like ...?的句式我可以放在开头的free talk环节

    Are there books in the room?

    Yes, there are.

    2. Play the video.

    Listen and watch the video.

    Whose house is it?

    It’s Lingling’s house?

    How does Lingling ask?

    Would you like to come to my room?

    How do they answer?

    Yes, we’d love to.

    生生进行替换操练句型:Would you like to read my book\ come to my house\ come to my room\ sit on my chair\play with my toys?

    Yes, we’d love to.


    3. Pic2. Listen and choose:

    A. Your bed is small! B. Your bed is big.

    B. Your bed is big!

    4. Play the video .

    follow, read the dialogue.

    5. role play.



    Step 3 Practice:

    Practice the key sentence.

    Would you like to … ?

    Come to my room

    Read my books.

    Ride my bikes

    Play with my toys.



    Step 4 Extending

    Listen and read two conversations and three stories on the pad.

    必读:unit 3 Dialogue 1, 2 .  Reading 1,2,3

    选读:dialogue3.4.      Reading 4. 5

    如能提供拓展 听读的材料更好, 就好跟教材是 有关联的,能激发 学生学习兴趣的 拓展材料。



    Step 5 Production:

    1. Create a new dialogue (with a model)


    A: Hello, xxx!What time is it?

    B: It's ... .

    A: It's time to ... . Would you like to ... ?

    B: Yes, I'd love to. / Sorry, I can't.

    (come into the ... .)

    A: Welcome ... .

    B: Thank you. Oh! Your ... is ...!

    A: Thank you. 

    2. Practice and show the dialogue

    Work in group


    Homework:Draw a room picture and describe the room.

    This is my room. A desk, a chair, a bed, a panda and a nice picture…

    我认为可以删除Draw a room picture and describe the room.这个环节,把时间省出来展示新对话。

    已采纳建议,将Draw a picture作为家庭作业处理


    Step 6 Conclusion


    • 板书设计:

    Lesson 9.


    Would you like to come to my house?

                                                                                 Yes, we’d love to.

    • 标签:
    • love
    • bed
    • play
    • lesson9
    • chair
    • step
    • 英语
    • 1.
    • room
    • 重点
    • picture
    • it&#39
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