• Unit5 Why do you like pandas sectionA(1a-1c)

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    英语七年级下册 Unit5 Why do you like pandasSectionA(1a-1c)的教学设计


    本单元主要是通过学习动物名称和常见的有关描述动物的形容词,学会表达个人对动物的喜好;学会运用why, what, where引导的问句,了解动物的外形、生活习性及主要产地,并能运用英语简单描述自己喜欢的动物,进一步培养和激发热爱动物、保护动物、维护生态平衡的朴素情怀。



    a.   掌握本课单词: panda, zoo, tiger, elephant, koala, lion, giraffe, animal, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, Australia, south, Africa, pet, leg, cat, sleep会用英文表达动物,并能正确无误地写出来。培养学生的认知能力。

    b.    掌握重点短语:kind of, South Africa, be from/ come from, walk on two legs, sleep all day.

    c. 掌握重点句型:——Why do/don’t you like .... ?

    —— Because they are....

    2.过程和方法目标:通过观察和描述动物,谈论个人对动物的喜好,以pairworkguessing game, make a survey多种形式的活动,使学生把单词、目标语言和对话读正确,读流利,并且在读中有所感悟和生成。


    【教学重难点】: 学会描述动物的性格和特点。

    【教学准备】Tape recorder; Multi-Media; PPT


    Period 1

    Step 1 Lead-in 导入话题

    To create an English environment, the teacher shows the class some pictures of a zoo. And ask some questions about animals:

    Do you know the zoo?

    Do you like to go to the zoo?

    Do you like animals?

    Then have them to recall the animals they had learned and write them on the blackboard as he/she can.

    ( e.g. animals---sheep, monkey, cat, dog, mouse, cow, duck… )

    Step 2 Presentation内容呈现

    1. Ask them to talk with their partners about the animals they like using the words they know (4 students a group).

    What animals do you like? / What’s your favorite animal?

    Why do you like…

    Because they’re…

    2. Then show the class some pictures of animals and present other animals. And ask them:

    What’s this in English?

    It's a tiger. (Then lion, panda, elephant, koala, giraffe)

    Ss look at the picture and try to remember the new words of the animals.

    3. Next, glue the pictures on the blackboard and ask one student to match the pictures with the words on the cards. Other students turn to page 25 and finish 1a.

    4. Check the answers with the class.

    Step 3 Game (Guessing game.) 你猜我猜大家猜

    T: Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss guess what animal it is.

    Ss try to guess and remember the names of the animals.

    Step 4 Listening 听力训练

    Work on 1b.

    Tell Ss to listen to the tape and check the animals they hear in 1a.

    Play the recording again and check the answers with the class.

    Step 5 Pair work 结对活动

    1. Ask the students to imagine “ We are in the zoo, there are many kinds of animals here.”

    Then ask a student to do the model with you:

    Let’s see the lions first.

    Why? (why do you /does she /does he like lions?)

    Because they are interesting.

    Ss work with their partners practice the conversation using the animal in 1a.

    2. Let students make a conversation using what we learned today, and role play.

    Step 6 Extensive reading拓展阅读

    让学生当堂阅读短文(选自《伊索寓言》):a greedy dog(一只贪心的狗)

    Step 7 Writing practice快乐写话


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