• 11月5日 福泉市六小 刘福新 Unit 3 Look at me 第四课时教学设计及反思

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    • Overview

    The period is the 4th period of Unit 3, Book One of Grade 3. We‘ll learn the body words after some body words, and we will continue to use the structure “This is… … ”. We will learn the parts by body movement. After learning it, we will be able to describe more parts of our body.


    • Teaching aims:
    • Language knowledge aims: 1) can listen, speak, read and write the words: arm, hand, head, body, leg and foot. 2) can speak the sentences like Touch your head and wave your arms. Language ability: can continue to use the structure “This is …”to describe. Emotional aims: Love your body parts and love speaking English.


    • Analyze the students


    They have learnt 14 classes of English. Most students are quite active in class. They love to speak English esp. games, English song, chants and competitions. We must take use of it a lot.


    • Teaching key points

    learn the new words hand, head, body, leg, foot 2) use “This is …” to describe. Extensive words: teeth, tooth,hair.

    • Teaching difficulties

      1) say the sentences use the body words like“Wave  your arms.”. 2)  an extensive “What is this ?” and its answer


    • Teaching ways

    TPR and CTA

    • Teaching preparationsppt and extensive animated flashes, some class languages: One, two, three,
    • Teaching course

    Step 1 warm-up

    T:How are you?

    Ss: I ‘m fine, thank you. Or very well, thanks.

    T: One, two, three, go…. Are you ready? Now, do it together.

    (Design purpose: give a consolidation of learnt letters and make the students more active.)

    Step 2: Revision

    1) Let’s watch and follow them.

    2) Let me do, you say.

    1. Group work:

    The structure: Touch your … Open your … Close your …

    (Design purpose: do a revision and make a learning base of other body part words.)

    Step 3 New presentation

    1. Listen to the song “Head and shoulders, knees and toes.”

    (Design purpose: make a good learning base of other body words by its lyrics.)

    1. new words to learn :Look at me .This is my…

    Use your own body parts to teach the students. Only listen and speak--- the first learning step of English. The words may be written on the bd.

    1. How  to read the new words

    To give an explanation , and also help read the new words quickly

    1. Repeat the lyrics and let the students speak the above the words of the form.
    2. Say together.   Look at me .This is my…
    3. Work group.

    The structure: Look at me .This is my …

    (Use some gifts to courage and stimulate the students using new words to speak English)(individually—small group)

    (Design purpose: After many preparations, let the students say each other better.)

    1. Let’s do and say together (Watch animated gif).

    The students may feel some troubles with them. We will also go on practicing them in other classes until they can speak and do. 

    • Step 4 Extensive Reading (see page 28)

          Dialogue: I have two eyes.

               I have a nose.

               I have two ears.

               I have many teeth.

               I have black hair. 

    • Step 5 Integrated talk

    The structure:

    A: Hello, Mike. How are you?

    B: I’m fine, thank you.

    A: Look at me .This is my nose (face, eye, mouth, ear, arm, hand, body, leg, foot.)

    B: Yes. Look at me .What’s this?

    A: It’s an ear……

    • Step 6.Homework

    Talk to your partners using the above dialogue.




    arm              arm

    hand             hand

    body             body


    leg                foot




    • Add: handwriting

    Look at me .This is my





    What is this? It is a /an….

    • Teaching reflection:(教学反思)

    从本节课上下来的效果看,自己定的教学目标基本实现。学生除了会说arm, hand, body, hand, leg  和foot 外,还继续强化式This is 。。。这个句型。中间用到了新句子What’s this ?

    在教学重点方面看,同之前的预想一样,学生在Let’s do 部分,学生只能做,还不能一边做,一边说。

       从教学环节上看,在复习上,通过字母音标手势操,复习了最近学习的Aa----Hi的字母,也对字母的在音标中的初步发音进行了学习。通过观看ppt,学生边看边做,复习了一些简单动作。学生在这一环节中采用Touch your … Open your … Close your …的结构支架练习。从大输出的角度来讲,过于简单。也没有同一些如What’s this ?这样的句子联合使用。从观察者的角度讲,老师只是在询问一些同学,并没有见到更多的学生在互相说英语,这与复习环节生生互动看起来不符合。

    在新授环节部分,我通过歌曲“Head and shoulders ,knees and toes “,让学生感受课堂轻松的氛围,同时是为了让学生感受一下歌曲中包含的旋律,为新授环节的单词学习、使用,做一个简单的伏笔。单词的新受,我采用自己的身体来进行教学。并把关键的单词写在黑板上,并对单词的读法,通过拼读法来教授学生。在这里,我采用旧句型Look at me .This is…运用新单词,用以旧带新的方式加以练习。在新授生生互动上,我还是采用旧句型Look at me .This is…。在一定程度上,学生对于有礼物的活动,显得更热情。

    在另一部分Let’s do 这一部分上,学生通过看动画,并尝试去学做,但是对他们自己感觉来说,如果要求边做边说,显得比较难。我想,如果在这一部分,如果我通过老师说,学生做,和学生说,到学生做,最后再到学生一边说,一边做这样有层次地,一步接一步坐下来,学生很可能就能够突破难点了。

    在扩展听说部分上,我让学生阅读I have two eyes 等带有I have 结构的句子,学生感觉不算太难,在这一点上,可以让学生多阅读更多个对话,给学生给更多地输入英语。



    • 标签:
    • 11
    • 六小
    • words
    • students
    • body
    • look
    • 部分
    • unit
    • 学生
    • 单词
    • speak
    • 福泉市
    • 环节
    • hand
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