• Unit3 At the zoo

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    Unit 3 At the zoo

    Lesson 2

    肥西县桃花工业园中心学校 张菊

    The Design Concept


    The Analysis of Teaching Material

    本课是新人教版第二册Unit 3 At the zoo Lesson 2。本单元的主题是在动物园里。主要语言功能是学习动物及一些形容词,并能够运用形容词对动物进行描述。本课时要求学生能够听懂、会说、会认读几个形容词tallfatthinshort,能够在图片、课件情景的帮助下运用句型:Look at… It’s…;听懂含有形容词的几个指令,并按指令做动作。题材非常生活化,是孩子们感兴趣的话题之一,易于孩子们学以致用。

    The Analysis of Learners

    Our students have learned English for half a year and they will probably maintain a high interest of English learning. They have competiveness of self-motivation. They need instructions for listening and speaking strategies and guidance to use language in the real situation.

    Teaching Aims and Demands

    Knowledge Objects

    1. 能听懂、会说、会认读几个形容词tallfatthinshort,能够在图片、课件或情景的帮助下运用句型:Look at… It’s…


    Ability Objects

    1.Train students’ listening skill.

    2.Train students’ communicative competence.

    3. 创设情境,学生通过对比理解单词和句型,并在情景中运用句型进行描述。通过TPR全身运动反应法增强对单词的记忆,在游戏中操练单词和句型。

    Moral object



    Teaching Key Points

    1.能听、说、认读几个形容词tall fatthin short及句子:Look at… It’s…

    2.能够听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出正确的反应。

    Teaching Difficult Points

    1.能掌握单词thin 的正确读音。

    2.能够在Look at… . It’s… .句式中灵活运用本课所学的形容词。

    Teaching Aids

    1. 相关动物图片及单词卡片。

    2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 3Let’s learn Let’s do /A]。

    3. 教材相配套的教学录音带。

    Teaching Procedures

    Step I Warm-up/Revision

    1.The teacher play “ At the zoo” song, the teacher and the students sing together.

    2.Play a game“Brain storming”(复习以前学过的一些有关动物的单词)。Step II Presentation

    1新课导入。T: Today we will continue to learn Unit 3 At the zoo .(师粘贴图片,并说明今天男女生大PK,男女生回答对问题将为本组粘贴一根栅栏,看哪一组是最后的赢家。)

    猜动物。学习新单词“tall” T: Listen to me, children. Guess what is itIt has a long neck. 教师在说谜语时,可适当配合一些手势或动作。 S: It is a giraffe. 师出示图片,生读单词,师粘贴图片。 T: Yes. Good. It is tall.学习新单词 tall.看图练习说句子:Look at that giraffe. It’s … . 指名说。师配合手势动作教学: Be tall. Be tall. Be tall, tall, tall! 师生配合动作一起练习。指名说。

    2.学习新单词short. 教师快速用课件展示系列动物图片:giraffe, baby giraffe对比两个动物的体型引出tall short 。学生根据看到的图片说说动物单词。Look at the giraffe .It’s tall. Look at the baby giraffe .It’s short. 师配合手势动作教学: Be short. Be short. Be short, short, short! 师生配合动作一起练习。指名说。

    3. 学习新单词thinfat. 继续展示图片: Two monkeys. 对比两只猴子。教师强调thin fat 。此时,教师可播放动画课件, 将鼠标移到胖猴子的图案上,图案下面出现单词fat 。将鼠标移到瘦猴子的图案上,图案下面出现单词thin。用同样方法学习句型。

    4. T: Miss White and her students are at the zoo. Let’s go and have a look with them. 让学生观看教学课件。[Unit 3 Let's learn/A]学生听录音跟读、模仿.

    5. 指名大声读单词,并指着大屏幕上动物让生说句子:Look at that … . It’s … .

    Step III Practice

    1.Game I Do and you guess. Let one student look at a word and do the actionother students guess what it is. If you know say loudly and find the wordthen stick it on the blackboard.

    2Draw your favourite animal and describe the picture.生出示图片,并用所学内容进行描述。

    3. TBoys and girlsdo you like to do the actionsYesme too. Now let’s do the actions and chant after the tape. PPT出示chant,师生一起说唱。教师说chant中句子,请男女生PK表演;然后学生当小老师说唱句子,指名几组男女生上台表演动作。

    Step IV Summary

    Let students discuss and say what they have learned from this class. We meet some animals from this class. And we have learned four wordstallshortfat and thin. Now let’s look at who the winner is. Look at the board. Now this is their homea zoo. When we are at the zooWhat should not do at the zoo?指名说,然后 PPT出示。Animals are our friendswe should love animals.

    Step V Homework

    1. Listen to “Let’s learn” and read the words.

    2. Listen to “Let’s do” chant and do the actions.

    3. 与同伴分享你画的动物,用上句型

    Look at that …! It’s…!

    Step VI Blackboard Design

    Unit 3 At the zoo


    高长颈鹿图片 tall

    矮长颈鹿图片 short

    胖猴图片 fat

    瘦猴图片 thin

    Step VII: Teaching Introspection

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