• 广州版二下Unit5 It’s sunny today(广州陆绮媚)

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    • Unit 5 It's sunny today(文昌小学二年级课例 陆绮媚)1.ppt内容


    Unit5 It’s sunny today




    1.Language knowledge 语言知识

    1Vocabularysunny, windy, hot, cold, raining, snowing


    2.Language skill 语言目标


    1)能听、说、辨认sunny, windy, hot, cold, raining, snowing



    3.Affect 情感态度


    4.Learning Strategies 学习策略




    Main Point Analysis


    本课时是Unit 5的第一课时。对于有关天气的话题及知识,对本班的学生来说已经不是全新的知识内容。老师每天都会利用Free talk的时间给孩子渗透有关天气的话题及知识。本节课的主要内容是学习Let’s Learn的内容,让学生通过单词和句子的学习,从而加深对天气的单词和句子的巩固。如何引导学生学习到一个全新的话题,培养学生学会学习和使用语言的能力,就是本课的教学难点所在。


    Language difficult point



    Teaching Aids/Media and Resource



    Teaching Procedures


    Let’s learn

    句型:How is the weather?

    单词:sunny, windy, hot, cold, raining, snowing

    拓展句型:Put on your…….

    1. Greeting

    2. Free talk

    T: What day is it today ? What’s the weather like today?

    三.Sing a song---<<How is the weather?>>

    T: Helloeverybody. Today, We learn the new listen. U5 It’s sunny today. This class : How to talk about the weather. I hope everybody has a Happy day .(指着评比表) The first Let’s sing. Sing a song---<<How is the weather?> >


    1.教How is the weather?sunnyraining, hot, windy, cold, snowing


    T: (按图片)Let’s learn.Look at the picture. This is Amy. She’s wearing a T- shirt. How is the weather? (板书:How is the weather?) Follow me. Ss Follow you T: Weather Ss: Weather . How is the weather? Ss: How is the weather?(显示sunny 的图片)THow is the weather, Mary ? S: It’s sunny. T: Yes, it’s sunny. (板书It’s sunny) T: Sunny, sunny. S: Sunny, sunny. T: How is the weather? Ss: It’s sunny. T: Ask the students:How is the weather? Can you?


    T: Amy (显示下雨的图片)T: How is the weather? SIt’s raining. TYesIt’s raining. Who can? ( 板书It’s raining)Follow me. Follow you. T: Raining, raining SsRaining, raining 动作)The boys Can you ask the the girls? “How is the weather?” B: Yes, I can. Ss: It’s raining.


    T: Amy is weaing a T-shirt. (显示很热的图片)Boys and girls , T: How is the weather ?SIt’s hot. TYesIt’s hot. Who can? ( 板书It’s hot)Follow me. Follow you. T: It’s hot . Sshot, hot (做动作)Jack , Can you ask Lily? “How is the weather?”: It’s hot.

    windy group by group, cold, snowing(开小火车)与上面同上

    复习前面的,sunny, sunny, raining, raining, hot,hot……..

    五.Interesting Practice

    1.Let’s move

    T: Everybody, listen to Miss Liu , Ok? The first, Do what I say. For except, hot, hot, understand? (老师做动作,请一个同学先回答,然后在全班做) The second, tell me what I do. ( 老师做动作,请同学回答问题) The third , pair work.

    最后老师和学生再做一次,Tsunny ,sunny, Ss: Sunny, sunny等等。

    2.Finding a friend

    T: Ben , How is the weather? It’s ……. Do you have a food friend? S: No .T :Let’s find a friend. Show me your words and your picture. For except , How is the weather?

    S: It’s ………. .T: How is the weather? S: It’s ……. Sorry, we are not friend . /We are friend ,understand? When you finish, please set with your partner together, and say bingo. Let me check your answer. Move, try to find your friend.

    3.Let’s play

    T: Present for you. ( 把袋子给学生) There are so many clothes I in the bag. Let’s play. ( 出幻灯) The first, Listen to me, choose the right clothes, put on your body. The second , in each group choose a student come here. Let me check. 显示句子: It’s raining. Put on your…….


    4 Report the weather

    T:(课件呈现一则招聘广告): This is a advertisement for weather reporter.

    We need some weather reporters. Come and have a try! “ 

    T: Boys and girls , do you want to be a weather reporter?

    Ss: Yes.  

    1. 教师先示范:

    T: Ok, Let’s learn the weather report.


    T: Ok! The first, listen to the weather report, stick the right city.


    T:( 老师带上天气预报员的证件和拿出电视机) NowI’m a weather reporter . Let me report the weather.(先放一段片头音乐)Good morning. I’m a weather reporter . It’s sunny in Guangzhou. It’s hot /…in Hainan/。。。。。。。

    2 . 生生同位练习,教师多媒体显示要讲的内容

    T: Report the weather with your partner.

    4.鼓励学生大胆上台应聘,对表现好的学生颁发“weather reporter”的奖章。

    T: Kids, who can be the best weather reporter?

    Ps: I can try.

    六.Extension (拓展)

    T: Children. You are a good weather reporter. Do you want to traveling ? Ss: Yes. Making a trip plan into the four group. Choose the best plan in your group. This is my trip plan. ( 显示 trip plan ) Follow me . ( 读旅游计划)When you finish , please introduce your best plan to the teacher. Understand.The group leader with your remembers to read the best trip. 教师先示范,而后让学生四人小组讨论自己的旅行计划。T: This is my trip plan. 如:On Monday, I’m going to Shanghai. It will be rainy in Shanghai. I can take my scarf, umbrella, raincoat, hat, sunglasses, boots, watermelon …等。教scarfumbrella, raincoat,小组评议出“本组最佳的旅游计划” 。抽几个小组向全班同学汇报自己的旅行计划。全班评选出最佳的的旅游计划。教师向学生颁发“最佳小组合







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