• 北京昌平马池口小学 刘妲---北师大版英语 四年级下册 Unit9 Day and night 学习

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    Unit9 Day and night》第一课时

    • 一.设计者

    昌平区马池口中心小学 刘妲

    • 二.教材分析

    本课是北师大版英语四年级下册《Unit9 Day and night》的第一课时,讲述的是MockyKenAnn拜访Uncle Booky的过程中发生的故事。本课是在上一单元学生学习了What time…?的基础上,在故事情景中让学生体会由when引导的功能句;此外课文中第一次出现了频度副词always, usually, often, sometimes, never.

    • 三.设计理念


    • 四.教学目标:


    1. 了解课文大意,回答相关问题。

    2. 在框架的支持下能简单复述故事.

    3. 能够学会询问并回答做某事的时间,能运用相关句型进行简单的会话.






    • 五.教学重点

    1. 通过自主听读,学生了解课文大意,回答相关问题。

    2. 在框架的支持下能简单复述故事。

    • 六.教学难点:

    1. 词汇breakfast, always, usually, often, sometime, never的正确发音。

    2. 掌握询问做某事的时间,并运用相关句型进行简单的会话.

    3. 根据了解到的信息,介绍朋友的作息时间。

    • 七.学习者特征分析


    • 八.教学策略


    • 九.教学资源准备

    课题组下发的四年级下册网络资源,教材配套的光盘,教师用ppt, 单词卡片

    • 十.教学过程

    Step1. Warm up:

    1. Greetings

    2. Free talk

    3. Pair work: model

    A: What day is it today?

    B: …

    A: What do you do on Monday?

    B: I…

    A: What classes do you have on Monday?

    B: I have….

    A: What time do you have ____ class?

    B: I have ____ class at …


    Step2. Presentation

    1. Lead in

    T: MockyKen and Ann want to visit Uncle Booky. Where is Uncle Booky? What does he do in the morning? Do you know?Please listen to the story.

    1. Listen and answer


    Ss listen and read the story by themselves, then answer the questions:

    Q1: Where is Uncle Booky?

    Q2: What does Uncle Booky do in the morning?

    Listen again, then answer the questions:

    Q3: When does Ann eat breakfast?

    Q4: When does Mocky visit Uncle Booky?

    Q5: When does Uncle Booky go to the store?


    3. Role play

    4. Retell the story

    Ann , Ken and Mocky are good friends. Ann always eats breakfast at _________. Mocky usually _______ Uncle Booky in the morning after breakfast. Uncle Booky usually __________ in the morning, but he sometimes ________ in the morning. He often ________________ in the afternoom. He ______ goes in the morning.


    Step3. Extension

    1. Lead in:

    T: Ann, Ken and Mocky visit Uncle Booky. Then they visit thei friends. Let's listen to the story about them.

    1. Listen and answer

    Q1: What did you hear?

    资源截图 Word1

    资源截图 word2

    资源截图 word3

    1. T: I have a new friend. His name is Rick. Listen and tell me :

    Q1When does he usually get up?

    Q2When does he usually run?

    Q3When does he usually have breakfast?

    Q4When does he usually shower?

    Q5When does he usually go to school?

    资源截图 readings—time2—dialogue2

    4. T: Another new friend, Wang Hai. Please listen sth about him.

    资源截图 readings—time2—dialogue2

    【设计意图】Ann, Ken and Mocky拜访Uncle Booky过渡到去看望其他朋友,然后介绍两位新朋友的信息,将拓展听读材料内容融入情境中使新授环节与拓展听读环节衔接更自然。学生在老师所提供的语言材料中自主选择听读内容,并提取出自己感兴趣的语言知识,这样能满足不同层次学生的需求。了解更多表示动作的短语,以及如何介绍他人的作息时间,为综合输出做铺垫。

    Step4. Production

    1. Interview: ask and fill the blank.(pair work)

    Qs: When do you usually …? What do you usually do …?



    8:30 a.m.


    4:00 p.m.




    get up


    help mom




    1. Introduce :Model



    8:30 a.m.


    4:00 p.m.




    get up

    go to school

    help mom


    play the computer

    go to bed

    Peter always get up at 7:00 in the morning.

    He usually goes to school at 8:30.

    He often helps mom at three o’clock in the afternoon.

    He sometimes plays the computer at 6:00.

    He goes to bed at 10:00 in the evening.

    【设计意图】首先通过pair work,让学生相互了解伙伴的作息时间并完成表格;然后依据表格中的内容尝试介绍好朋友的相关信息。在真实的语言情境中,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。

    Step5.Sunmmary & homework

    1. What did you learn?

    2.Introduce your friends to your parents.

    • 十一.板书设计

    Unit 9 Day and night (副板书)

    When do you eat breakfast? make the bed

    I always eat breakfast at 7:00. set the table

    usually sweep the floor

    sometimes wash the dishes

    often clean the house

    never feed the dog


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    • 语言
    • 北师大版
    • uncle
    • booky
    • 昌平
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