• 深港版 四下 unit 3 Seasons(c)

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    深港版 四下 Book 8 Unit 3 SeasonsC)教学设计

    大磡小学 徐菁菁


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    Seasons朗文深港版Primary English for China第八册第三单元的教学内容。



    • 【教学目标】


           1. 认识各种季节的天气.单词:warm, cool, rain, snow, spring, summer, autumn, winter

          2. 能用所学句型谈论季节变化:where are you from? I’m from… what’s the weather like there in…? It’s…and …等

         3. 能理解故事并能够复述出来。





    1. 让学生学会与同学交流沟通,学会和谐相处,相信自己,是金子总是会发光的。

    2. 通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们树立自信心。


    • 【拓展目标】

    1. 选择故事中的一个图片,以小组合作的方式创编对话并表演。

    2. 让学生大量听读关于季节的资料。(reading1,2,3,4,9)



    • 【教学重点】



    • 【教学难点】





    • 【学习者特征分析】



          经过四年多的学习,四年级的学生已具有英语的初步的听、说、读、写等技能,如能根据指令做事情, 能看图说出单词和短句,能用英语表达简单的情感和感觉,能根据表演猜意思,并能快速模仿节奏简单、明快的英文儿歌和小诗,并具有较浅的四种技能的综合运用能力;在语言知识方面,学生已经了解英文简单的拼读规律,有三百左右的词汇量,能正确使用常用的简单句,能理解和表达一些话题如:数字、颜色、动物等。具有一定的学习方法,英语的学习策略多用听、说、模仿等,但学习策略的自我调控能力欠缺。

    • 【教学策略】





    • 【教学资源】




    • 【教学过程】

    Step One—Talking7mins

    1. Greeting.(T—S)

    2. Watch a video and make a Concept Map.

    3. Look at the Map and make a dialogue.

    A: which season do you like?

    B: I like ..

    A: what can you do in...?

    B: I can ... 

    A: Where are you from?

    B: I am from…

    A: what’s the weather like there in …?

    B: It’s … and ….

    (建议修改:A: Where are you from?  B: I am from...

                         A: Which season do you like best there? B: I like ... best.

                        A:  What 's the weather like there in ...?  B: It's .... and ...

                        A: What can you do in ...?  B: I can ....)

    • (呈现旧知,将AB部分的单词和句子复习。)
    • 4.show your dialogues.


    Step Two--Teaching14—16mins

    1. T: Look at this picture and guess:

    Who are they? Can you guess what is the name of the story?

    S: They are Mother Duck, Father Duck and some eggs.

    S: The name is ugly duck.

    1. Look at story's video three times and answer questions.

    a.what do the ducks do in summer?

    b.what do the ducks do in autumn?

    c.how (改:How)does the ugly duck feel in autumn?

    d. what is the ugly duck?

    1. Choose one of picture, make a dialogue and role a play in groups.

    It’s _______. Mother Duck has some new ____.

    It’s _______. The ducks are going for a ______.

    It’s _______, the other ducks __________. The ugly duck is very ______.

    Now it's ________ again. the ugly duck became a beautiful _______.

    1. Retell the story.

    1.  Thinking:

    1. what do we learn from the story?

    2. what will happen next?

    Step Three – Training14-17mins

    1. Listen and read reading2,3,4,9. Answer the questions below:  Who is stronger, the Sun or the North Wind? Why?

    1. write a passage about your hometown's weather and seasons.(建议:写出你家乡不同季节的不同天气状况更好一点)

    Step Four--Homework:

    1. Retell the story to your parents.

    2. Make a poster about season all over the world in your group.

    3. Draw a mindmap about the seasons.

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