• unit 3 my friends 详案

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    Unit 3 My friends

    Part A(修改版教案)

    • 教学内容:

     Let’s talk, Let’s play.

    • 教学目标:



    1.能听懂、会说What's is name? His name is.... He has....

    2.能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's his name? His/her name is…

    • 教学过程:




    Step 1 Greetings and chant

    Good morning boys and girls! Let’s chant together.

    Step 2 Review

    1. T出示哆啦A梦和它的朋友的图片 Today we’ll learn unit 3 my friends Let’s talk. Everyone has his friends. Look, they are Douaemon’s friends. His name is Da xiong. What’s he like?

    2. T出示自己和朋友的照片:Look they are my friends. Who can talk with me?

    3Ss do the pair work.


    Step 3 New presentations

    1. Let’s listen: Part A let’s talk

    2.T在黑板上板书重点句子 What’s his name? His name is Zhang Peng?

    What’s her nameHer name is Sarah. 区分his her :指着在座的学生进行实际问答,及时纠错,以便学生掌握his指男生,her指女生。

    3.师板书A Chinese friend?考查学生是否理解Chinese的含义,并告诉学生Chinese的两层含义。

    4. pair work

    A: Mum, I have a new friend.

    B: Really? A Chinese friend?

    A: Yes, he’s very friendly.

    B: What’s his name?

    A: His name is Zhang Peng. Look! He’s tall and strong.

    B: Yes, he is.



    Step 4 Consolidation

    1. 公放let’s play 录音,学生了解大意。

    2. 师生示范游戏做法

    3. 学生俩俩练习。

    4. 提问检测。


    Step 5 Expansion

    1. Listen 自编听读资源Reading 1 Reading 2 Dialogue 3

    2. 综合说:寻人启事

    A: I can’t find my good friend.

    B: A girl or a boy?

    A: A girl.

    B: What’ s her name?

    A: Her name is Lily.

    B: What’s she like?

    A: She is tall and thin. She has long hair and big eyes.

    B: What’s she wearing?

    A: She is wearing a red sweater.

    【设计意图: 将所学对话运用于实际生活中。】

    Step 6 在电脑上完成朋友卡


    Step 7 Class over

    • 反思:





    3. 在每次学生听之前应该给一些提示或问题,使学生有目的的去听。

    4. 情景设计单一。




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