• Uint8 Weather 教案

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    Uint8 Weather


    1. 教材内容概述:

    本课牛津深圳版英语一年级下册第3个模块第8课的第二个课时。本课主要学习句型: How is the weather? It’s ______.

    1. 教学目标:

    1、 知识目标:(1)能听、说、读表示天气的单词:sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy(2)能听懂会说:How is the weather? It’s ______.的句型并在实际情景中运用 。

    2、 能力目标:(1 ) 通过师生、生生交流培养学生的自主交际能力; (2 ) 通过教师启发激发学生开放性思维,通过在小组合作中培养学生的合作能力;(3)学生将学过的知识综合起来,培养他们的综合语言运用的能力。

    3、情感目标: (1) 在和谐的小组合作氛围中感受到合作互助的乐趣和主动交流的积极情感。 (3) 激发学生努力学习,乐于帮助别人的积极情感。


    教学重点:能听懂会说:How is the weather? It’s ______.的句型并在实际情景中运用。

    教学难点:句型No rain, no puddles的认读。




    本课通过两两说的形式,鼓励学生多说、多练, 鼓励他们运用所学的语言并表达成段。 2 通过故事教学培养学生良好的语感和英语学习的兴趣,训练学生的英语思维。

    六、 教学过程:

    Step 1 Talking

    1. Little teacher:

    Little teacher will ask some questions they have learnt before.

    E.g . Hello! What can you see? What do you hear? …

    2. Revision: pair work

    Peppa: It’s you, George.

    George: Yes. I like cloudy days.

    Step 2 Teaching

    1. Show a video: George and Peppa jump in the puddles.

    T: George and Peppa like sunny, cloudy and windy. Do you like rainy? Let’s watch.

    1. Show a story and try to let students understand the main idea of the sentence“ How is the weather?” “It’s …”

    T: George and Peppa like rainy very much. They think it’s a big fun.

    1. Learn the important sentence: “How is the weather? It’s …” and do pair work.

    2. Play a guessing game: one student hides the pictures of the weather, then asks questions to let another student guess the weather.

    A: How is the weather?

    B: It’s …

    A: Yes./ No.

    B: It’s …

    1. Self –learning: Turn to P36 Dialogue 15 and P32 Dialogue 6.

    Step 3 Training

    1. Role- play: students choose one picture and try to act it out.

    1. Self- learning: Turn to P32 Dialogue 7, P29 Dialogue 1and P47 Reading 14.

    T: George and Peppa like rainy days but John doesn’t like rainy days. Why? Open your purple book.

    1. Comprehensive output: Alice is coming to Kitty’s home.

    1. Homework:

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    • dialogue
    • weather
    • george
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