• (泡小西区-陈玉珍)School uniform教案

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    School Uniform








    2.组织辩论“Is it necessary for students to wear school uniforms at school?”

    教学难点:有效组织辩论“Is it necessary for students to wear school uniforms at school?”


    1. 引入话题

    TGood morning! Boys and girls!

    S: …

    T: How are you today

    S: …

    T: I’m so happy to be your teacher today! Because you are really good students. Hope we can be happy together. Ok?

    S: …

    T: Thank you! So, Do you like the today’s weather?

    S: …

    T: en…I think the it is not so nice. It’s cold. Look! I’m wearing a coat, a sweater, and some others! So heavy on my body! Now, Could you tell me, ”What are you wearing?”(PPT)

    S: I’m wearing …


    S1I’m wearing …

    T: Thank you! So, she/he is wearing …And…What’s this?(老师指着学生身上的校服问)


    T: Yes! School uniform.(老师教读2)(PPT)

    1. 了解部分国家校服特征

    TLook! These are the school uniforms of Pao Tongshu Primary School! But not just in our school, and not just in China, in many other countries, there are school uniforms too. Now , let’s see some.(PPT) I asked some of you to get some information. Which country do you want to choose for the first?

    S: …

    T: Ok, (点击链接学生PPT)let’s welcome … to tell us about it.


    TGood job! Now, questions for you.

    Q1 (快速挑人)

    Q2 快速挑人



    Now, you have learned about the school uniforms in Japan …

    Let me show you some more.(PPT展示图片)


    T: Ok, just now we saw so many school uniforms. But, do you know the origin of school uniform?(PPT)

    S: …

    T: I don’t know either. Now,() let’s welcome … to show us.(点击链接到学生ppt)


    TThank you my boy! Now, questions for you:

    Q1 快速挑人

    Q2 快速挑人

    Twow! You are really great! I like you so much!

    1. 调查报告(Do you like your school uniforms?)你喜欢我们的校服吗?

    TJust like what Liuyun told us, some students like school uniforms, but some others don’t like it. How about you?

    Do you like your school uniforms?

    S: …

    T: En… Last week, I asked some of to make a survey. Now, let’s have a look.

    This is made by …实物展台展示学生调查表)

    Could you please come here to make a survey report.


    TQuestions for you. 快速挑人

    5个学生做调查报告, 教学过程相同。

    1. 辩论。(If you are the school leader, think about it: Is it necessary for students to wear school uniform at school? )如果你是校长,请思考:学生在校是否有必要穿校服?

    TWell, I’m sorry! So many students don’t like your school uniforms. But the school leaders said, you must wear school uniform at school on Monday and Friday. Right?


    T: Now, I give you a chance to be the headmaster.

    If you are the headmaster, please think about it: (PPT)Is it necessary for students to wear school uniforms at school? 1 minute for you to discuss with your partner.


    T: (切换到Hiteach页面) Ok! Please take out this. If your answer is yes, please choose 1 and sit in this part(肢体示意左边). If your answer is No, please choose 2 and sit in this part(肢体示意右边) . I minuteOKgo!


    TWelllet’s see the result.(柱状图看结果,抓拍图到页面) …yes, …no.

    (手势示意正方)You can say,“I think it is necessary, because …”

    (手势示意反方) You can say,“I think it is not necessary, because …”

    You have 3 minutes to prepare. You can discuss with your partners, or use the computer to help you. You can use these key words.(PPT) 3 minutes, go!(计时器)


    T: OK! Now, debate begin.

    The first round: Free debate


    TThat’s all for the first round. Now, let’s begin the second round. You have to use this, press any key to get opportunity to answer.


    TOk, that’s all for today’s debate! Wow! You are really wonderful! After the debate, maybe some of you have different answers now. Take this (投票器)choose again. Yes, 1; No, 2. Go!

    T(柱状图看结果抓拍) Let’s see the result. Does it changed?(对比第一次柱状图) 选择人数变多的加2分。

    Well! Let’s see, who is the winner?


    T: all of you are very wonderful! Clap for yourself!(Clap)

    About this question, I can’t give you a certain answer. Maybe someday in future, some of you really can be a school leader. So, this is for you to think. When you are older, maybe you will have different ideas.

    六:家庭作业(设计自己喜欢的校服)Homework: design your favorite school uniform.

    T: in this class, so many students don’t like our school uniform. Different people have different reasons. But I think the most common reason is: Many of you think it is not so beautiful.

    Now, there is a good news for you. That is your homeworkPPT: Design your favorite school uniform. Next time, we will vote for the best works.

    T: well, thank you my darling! That’s all for today! Good bye!




    1. 搜查校服起源。做成PPT电子文档,课前传给老师。

    2. 搜查部分国家校服特征的资料(China, Britain, Japan, America, Australia. 做成PPT电子文档,课前传给老师。

    3.作抽样调查,完成调查表(Do you like our school uniform?

    4. 思考:Is it necessary for students to wear school uniform? Why?





    1. 课中辩论设计



    Is it necessary for students to wear school uniform at school?

    这个课堂内容的设计想要教会孩子们从不同的角度去思考问题。在辩论结束后,老师没有总结似的给出一个绝对的答案, 是想留给他们继续思考的空间,也许将来有一天,他们当中真的会有未来的校长,领导。他们会怎么做?没有人知道。也许会有一些有创意的作法哦。这个设计同时也想要培养孩子们做学校主人翁的意识和自我管理的能力。

    1. 课后作业设计(设计你喜欢的校服)

    课中学生提到不喜欢校服的原因, 大部分是觉得校服不过好看,从而留给课后作业:设计校服。Design your favorite school uniform.


    1. 对学生的关注:


    1. 现代技术的运用:


    Hiteach工具:实物展台,投票器, 结果反馈柱状图,快速挑人,即问即答,抢答,计分板,圈点笔,图片抓拍。



    1. 在介绍其他国家校服时可增加学生反馈很生成。

    2. 在辩论坏节如果能给学生提供更多的语言支撑,效果将会更好。


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