• After school activities

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    Unit11 After school activities

    Lesson 62

    Step 1: Greetings: Good morning!

    Step 2: Sing a songs.

    Step3: Revision:

    T: First. Let’s play a game. Look, this is a magic tree. Because it grow many different fruits. And there are many different words on these fruit. Can you pick up them?

    Ss: Yes.

    T: But you must according to the words make a sentence. Can you?

    Ss: Yes.


    T: The fruits wants to do some activities after school. Let’s look, What are they talking about. (复习说)

    Step4: New Lesson

    1) 导入:The fruits usually do some activities after school. What about Lily, Angel, Joy, Yaoyao, Binbin and Bill?

    2) 新授听:Today is Monday, Let’s listen what are they going to do after school? Ok, open your computer and Listen to Lesson 62 Part A. Page 34: Reading 5 Page 37: Reading 5

    3) 领读句型 并板书


    5Do a survey and report.(完成表格)

    Step 5:拓展听

    T: We have many club in our school. What are you going to do after school? What club do you want to join in? Let’s listen and read the dialogues and readings. 拓展听:

    V-classUnit11 Dialogue 6 Dialogue 7 Dialogue 8

    Step 6: 综合说:(设置情景:特色班招募新学员,同学们参加报名)

    T: LookThere is a notices. There are many club in our school. You can play chess, play the drum, play soccer, sing songs, do art project, or draw pictures. Do you want join in? Come on!

    Step 7Conclusion

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    • 标签:
    • school.
    • play
    • school
    • activities
    • dialogue
    • club
    • lesson
    • step
    • after
    • look
    • listen
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