• Lesson 56

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    Lesson 56 Classes


    -What classes do you have on Monday?

    -I have …..

    -What’s your favourite class?






    Good morning everyone. Let’s sing a song. <The music man>

    Today let’s have a match. Boys and girls. Who can get more points , who is the winner . OK?



    We have learned some classes. Who can read ?(指名读单词)


    There is a dialogue about classes. Who wants to be my partner?

    示范说-两两说-检测说 加分


    1.Let’s continue our classes Lesson 56. First, let’s listen this dialogue. (播放录音)The second time, let’s fellow it.

    2. You read I write.(写板书,重点领读classes) 加分

    . Practice

    1.Design, ask and answer.

    Look, this is a form about our classes. Take out your form finish one of the five just like this.(播放幻灯片,演示过程) Do you understand ? (检测)加分

    2. Notice

    After our class, the boy and the girl see a notice. What happened? Let’s listen. 示范说-两两说-检测说 加分

    . Listen and read.

    1. So much about our class. Let’s listen the paragragh.(播放录音)

    2.Open your book ,turn to page 30, Read reading 4,6


    1.Everybody has there own classes. Xiao Huihui will go to school with his friends. The reporter interview Xiao Huihui. (播放录音) 示范说—两两说—检测说 加分

    2.Xiao Huihui introduce his own school. Let’s read it. (齐读)You can introduce your school like this. 自己练习-检测。加分


    We have learned the sentences about classes.( )


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    • 录音
    • read
    • 检测
    • 示范
    • classes
    • lesson
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    • 2.
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