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北师大版四年级英语下册《Unit 12 Review》
本课选自,北师大版先锋英语,四年级下册,第十二单元,第一课时,故事教学。本课故事主要围绕主人公Mocky 和Lulu的对话展开,共八幅连环画,故事朗读在一分钟左右,flash故事播放在一分二十秒,篇幅较长。
深挖本课课文,复习内容较多,以Mocky和Lulu去看望Bobby Bear展开故事,在去的路上随着天气的变化复习了It’s a sunny day today. Where is…? What’s the time? What are you going to do? 等本册书所出现的主要句式。我以故事中天气变化为明线,引起人物心情变化为暗线,展开故事的讲述。为了让学生更加有感情的朗读和表演本课故事,我把感情线索作为载体,让学生在理解的基础上感受人物的情感和挖掘故事的美感;学生在图片展示、教师讲解、问题引导的基础上听懂、读懂故事,通过,个体、同桌分角色、展示等读故事的练习形式,对学生的学习进行评价。
1. 运用剖析情感来让学生找出相对应的语言,巩固所学,增强兴趣,激发情感。
2. 运用板书设计,帮助学生留住这节课的学习内容,梳理本学期的重点知识,或是简单复述故事,进一步体会英语学习的乐趣与美好。
1.Free talk & Leadin
(1).T:What's the weather like today? S:...
T: How are you today? S: We’re very happy.
T:Do you like the sunny/windy /cloudy/....days?
T: Me, too. This Sunday is sunny, too. Where are you going this Sunday? S:…
T:What are you going to do?
S:I am going to...
(2)Pair work .(+PPT 语用支架)
T: Our friend Mocky is going to vist friends ,too. Who are Mocky’s friends? S: Ken, Ann, Uncle Booky, Lulu and Bobby Bear.
T: Oh, Mocky has so many good friends. Who is Mocky going to visit ?Let’s read the story,(观看flash,无文字)
Step2: Presentation:part1
(1)T:Who is Mocky going to visit? (出示图片) S:Mocky is going to visit Bobby bear. (出示图片)
T: Can you read this story? S: Yes, I can.
T: Is it very interesting? S: Yes…
T: Do you understand it? Let’s read it.
(2)T: Please look at this picture. (P1 )
T: What’s the weather like? S: It’s sunny.(出示图片)
T: Why do you know that?
S: …
T: Who are they? S: They are Lulu and Mocky.
T: Where are they? S: They are in the forest.
T: What is Mocky going to do? (出示句型) S: …
(3)T: What is Lulu going to do?(P2) S: …
T: Why do you know that?
S: …
T: Yes, Lulu wants to visit Bobby bear, too. Let’s read all together.
(4)T: Where is Bobby’s house?(P3) S: …
T: Are they happy? S: Yes…(出示图片)
Step3: Presentation:part2
(1)T: We have learnt P1---P3, I ask you some questions about weather, plan (are you going to do), and feelings, Please read picture4, 5, 6 and 7. Can you learn them like me? Please discuss in your group. S: …
(2)T: There are a lot of black clouds in the sky, it is going to rain, are they happy now?
S: No, they are worried.(随着学生问题的提出与回答,出示图片和重点句型的主题词)
T:Do they have an umbrella? S:No…
(What can you see in the sky? What’s the weather like? What are they doing?
Where is Mocky’s umbrella? What is Mocky looking at? What is Mocky doing? What’s the time? Are they going to be late? ...)
T: Oh, you re wonderful. Mocky picks up a big leaf, and put it on their heads as umbrella. Do you like him? S: Yes, I do.
T: Why do you like him? S:…
T: Oh, yes, I like him, too. He is so clever that he takes a big leaf as umbrella.
T: Are they happy now? S: No,
(3)T: The rains stops, are they happy now? S: No…
T: Why doesn’t Mocky like here?
S: …
T: They don’t find the way, they are lost. The tall trees look like…
Mocky is scared.
(1)T: Please look at the picture 8, you’d better read by yourself, and try to ask and answer about the picture.
S1:Where is Bobby Bear? S2: Bobby is in front of his house.
T: Are they happy now? S: Yes, they are very happy.
(2)What are they going to do with Booby? Continue the story with your group members.
Mocky and Lulu get to Bobby’s house.----
Mocky …
Bobby bear…
(1 )无文字完整观看故事动画,帮助学生内化故事。
(2)有文字学生跟读故事, (体会故事人物的情感,快速大声朗读。)
Step6: Extending reading.
1. Fill in the blanks
It’s a ______ day today.Mocky and Lulu are very ______.They are going to Bobby bear______
They see in the sky______.It’s going to ______.Lulu is worried.
Mocky is very clever, he picks up a ____as an umbrella.It’s o’clock, they are going to be late______.They find Bobby’s house____________.Mocky is scared.
At last, they see Bobby in front of his house.
2.T: Who would like to tell us something this part?
S: 学生展示((P1,2,3) T: (P4,5) S: (P6,7,8)…
2. 小组内练习复述(PPT)
T: Let’s look at the board. Who can say about the story?(展示)
Step7: Summary
T: This class, we have read the story all together. Do you like it? S: …
T: I like Mocky. Do you know why? S: …
T: Mocky is very cleaver, he always smiles, he is polite with friend. Look at the blackboard, what will you find? S: …
T: There are many key sentences in this story. We have leant weather in Unit 11,the time in Unit 8.We have found how to ask the position, time, plans, and ask to do sth with the polite way. So this lesson is review.
Say the story to your parents or friends.
Unit 12 Review
- 标签:
- lulu
- 教学
- 学习
- 学生
- unit
- 图片
- 情感
- 故事
- 3.
- mocky
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