• 广东省深圳市大磡小学 李艳 深港版Book8 Unit 2 Good mannersB2

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    • 教材-深港版Book8 Unit 2 Good manners
    • 教学内容:

    本课是Primary English for China第八册四年级下学期,Unit2 Good manners Part B2部分的学习内容,本节课是本单元学习的第二课时,教师要充分利用知识的前后联系,巩固旧知识,引出新知识。而且学生对这类话题都比较感兴趣,教师可以根据这一特点有针对性的进行教学。将学习一些常见的涉及规章制度的词汇,结合祈使句,You should/ shouldn’t…句型,以设计各种场所或活动中的规章制度为语言功能, 以生活中他人的行为为具体话题,将语言融于实际交流中,培养学生良好的行为规范。

    • 教学目标:


    ◆ 复习A部分的短语: run in the corridors, walk in the corridors, be rude, be noisy, throw rubbish on the floor, throw rubbish in the bin, be polite, be rude.

    ◆ 能用运用新句型You should… /You shouldn’t…规劝他人,给出建议,并能够写出一些规章制度。


    ◆ 结合实际生活情景,灵活运用句型You should… /You shouldn’t…




    • 教学重难点:


    ◆句型You should… /You shouldn’t…



    ◆ 灵活运用句型You should… /You shouldn’t…给他人提出建议。


    • 教学方法:

    ◆ 任务型教学法、情境教学法、多媒体教学法、TPR教学法。

    • 教具准备:

    ◆ Computer, PPT

    • 教学设计:
    • Step1 Talking :
    1. Game: Simon says



    1. Free talk:


           T:   I have some  friends. (show a picture) Do you want to make friends with them?

           S1:  I want to make friends with… Because she/he is…

          S2 :  I don’t want to make friends with…Because she/he is…

           T:   What do you want to say to him/her?

           S: … don’t…/  please…!

          Now talk this picture with your friends.




    我此处我又这样一个小小的想法,能不能把T: What do you want to say to …?

    S: … don’t…please…!这个问题拿掉。在学生讨论完之后,教师借助A部分的图在继续引出这个问题,引发学生的思考,同时导入本节课的新课句型You should… /You shouldn’t…?

    • Step2 Teaching:
    1. Lead in: 情景引入

    T: The bell is ringing. It’s time for class. Look, Mr Wang is giving a lesson. What is the lesson about?

    S: Good manners.

    T: What are they going to do?

    S: They are going to choosing the model students in the class.

    T: Do you know how to be a model student? Mr Wang will show us some pictures.

    Think it about:

    1. Are they good?
    2. What should they do?
    1. Teaching the key structures:句型新授

    T: Look at the girl. The woman wants to ask the way. But, she isn’t polite to the women. Is she good?

    S: No.

    T: What should she do? What do you want to say to the girl?

    Guide them say: You shouldn’t be rude.

                You should be polite.

    (Teaching the sentence: You shouldn’t be rude. /You should be polite.)

    … Just like that, teach the key structures: You should… /You shouldn’t…

    (Practice the sentences in groups /pairs)

    设计意图:情景创设同学们在上一堂行为习惯的课堂教学,引入本节课的知识点:You should… /You shouldn’t…,并通过图片描述,让学生初步感知新授句型,了解我们应该做些什么,不应该做些什么。)

    1. Choose the model student in the class.

    T: Do you think who can be a model student in the class?( Talk about the picture in Part A)

     S: I think… can be the model student. She / He is…

    1. Pair work: Give Jill some suggestions.

     Jill is sick in the hospital. But, she also wants to be a model student. Do you think: Can Jill be a model student?  If she can’t be a model student. Can you give Jill some suggestions?



    S1:Jill, You shouldn’t… You should… It’s bad /good for...


    • Step3 Training:
    1. Listen and read more: Reading1.2.3

    T: Let’s listen more about rules.


    1. Design the rules in our daily life.

    T: We have known about some rules. In our class. We also will choose a model student. Do you know what we should do or we shouldn’t do in our daily life? Here are some places (library/ swimming pool / meeting room/ park /school…). Choose one of the places , and write down what we should do and we shouldn’t do.

    Eg:                     Rules in the swimming pool

    You should wear swimming suit. You shouldn’t throw rubbish in the pool. You should throw rubbish in the bin. You shouldn’t run around the swimming pool. It’s dangerous.

    3. Discuss in pairs: Do you think who can be the model student in our class?

    Eg: I think …can be a model student. She /He often…  She/ He usually… She/ He never…




    • Step4 Sum-up:



    3. 情感教育。

    • Home work:
    1. Listen to the tape and read Part A&B.
    2. If you want to be a model student, give yourself a note with some suggestions.
      • 标签:
      • 意图
      • shouldnt
      • 句型
      • good
      • friends
      • jill
      • unit
      • 学生
      • 设计
      • 港版
      • throw
      • book8
      • model
      • rubbish
      • manners
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