• 21团陈书萍Unit2 My family

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    Unit2 My family教学设计.doc

    Unit 2 My Family Lesson1教学设计




    • 一、概述

    本节课是2012年新版人教PEP英语三年级下册Unit 2 My family第一课时,主要以Sarah的家庭为主线学习六个人物类单词:man , woman , father (dad) , mother (mum ).和句型:Who’s that man / woman ? He’s / She’s my...

    • 二、设计理念


    • 三、教学目标


    (1)能够听、说、认读新单词: man , woman , father (dad) , mother (mum ).理解他们的意思,并且能将它们用于新的情景。

    (2)能够听懂、会说、会认读句子:Who’s that man / woman ? He’s / She’s my...并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。

    (3)能够听唱歌曲 Father and mother  ,能够用句子表达:I love my father / mother.

    (4)能听音跟唱本课chant, 读懂单词tall, small能听懂对话How many people in the family , 并能说出不同家庭中的人口,努力去理解歌曲 My father is a doctor ,了解家人的职业。

    (4)拓展学习:能够了解家人的职业:doctor 和teacher.


    通过唱歌激趣导入,以主线人物Sarah展开picture talking,复习巩固第一课时学的单词friends和句型Who’s …?








    • 四、教学重点

    听、说、认读单词man , woman , father (dad) , mother (mum ). 和句子Who’s that man / woman ? He’s / She’s my...并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。

    • 五、教学难点

    能够理解和运用句子Who’s that man / woman ? He’s / She’s my...以及对chant中的单词tall , small的理解

    • 六、学习者特征分析


    2.通过学生已知的知识This is…来描述人物或物品以及用he/she,Who's...?来介绍同学朋友。

    • 七、教学资源

    PPT,跨越式拓展材料,网络资源, 图片,家庭照,多媒体教室

    • 八、教学过程设计


    • Step1.Greeting


    T: Hello, boys and girls.

    Ss: Hello, Miss Chen.

    T: How are you?

    Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

    T: I’m fine, too.


    • Step2.Revision
    1. Listen to a song<Make new friends>

    2. Review the sentence:  He’s / She’s…

    (1)T asks, Ss answer. PPT

    A:Hi, I’m Sarah.  I have some friends.He’s/She’s…

    B: Hi! I’m …I’m from…

    A:He /  She  is …

    C:Hello! I’m…I’m from…


    (2)Pair work

    T---S S---S Feedback(2pairs)

    设计意图以歌曲:< Make new friends> 把学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂中,再以Sarah为主线人物创设交际情境,询问课本中的人物,复习句子: He’s / She’s…以旧带新,做到新知和旧知的结合及情境的过渡。


    • Step3.Presentation(words)

    1. Learning these words: father, mother, man, woman.

    1).Lead-in: Show PPT: Sarah’s family( T sayLookThis is my family. So, today let’s learn Unit 2 My Family.)

    2).Listen to a passage, then answer the question: How many people?

    3).Learn the words: father, mother, man, mum.

    (1)Show PPT: father (Look, listen, follow, to learn the word--man )

    (2)Ask: Who’s that man?( Listen again, to learn the word—father)

    (3)Ask and answer: Who’s that man? He’s my father. ( T-S→S-S→Feedback(2pairs)

    (4)Learn the word: mother, woman(方法同上)

    4)Ask and answer:( How about my friend’s family?)

    A:How many people?


    A:Who is he/she?

    B:He/She is (my) father, mother and me.

    【设计意图】4个人物类单词,以创设的情境:将Sarah设为主线人物“我”,向同学们介绍我的家人。以听句子学单词,以旧句型:Who’s…?集体问答用单词,以旧带新。再将 “我”朋友家的照片展示给大家,询问他们家人,来巩固刚学的新单词。

    2.Learning the words: dad, mum

    1)Listen to the chant: Man, man, who’s that man?

    Father, father, he’s my father.

    Man, man, who’s that man?

    Dad, dad, he’s my dad.

    2)Ask and answer: Who’s that man? He’s my father(dad).

    3)Chant together

    4)Learn the word: mum(方法同上)



    • Step4.Practice

    1.Ask and answer(2PPT)( T-S→S-S→Feedback(2pairs)

    1)Who’s that man? He’s…

    2)Who’s that woman? She’s …

    【设计意图】情境迁移:用学生熟悉的动画片人物、课本人物或明星,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时拓展了人物,让学生理解句型:Who’s that man / woman ?可以用来询问人物。

    2.Talk about own family photo

    1)Ask and answer(T say: Now let’s look at Zhang Peng’s family photo)

    A:Look, this is my family.

    B:Who’s that man?

    A:He’s my…

    B:Who’s that woman?

    A:She’s my…

    2)Pairwork(T-S→S-S→Feedback(3pairs)(T show family photo, say: Now show me your photos.)



    • Step5.Extention

    1.Chant<My father is tall>

    1)Listen and try to follow(T use the gesture to explain the words: tall, small, Ss try to say)

    2)Fill in the blanks

    3) Chant together

    2.Story<How many people>

    1)Watch and listen

    2)Look at some photos, and answer the question: How many people?

    3. Song<Father and Mother>

    1) Listen and repeat 2)Say the sentence: I love my…



    • Step6.Sumup

    1.Look and say( Fill in the blanks)and read together

    2. Introduce your family

    Hello, I’m…Look at my family . This man is my…He’s…(tall/short).This woman is my…

    She’s...This is me. I’m a boy/girl .I have… I like… I love my father and mother

    T---S S---S Feedback (2pairs)

    3.Watch the advertisement<Family>

    【设计意图】利用 PPT 提供语言支架,引导学生灵活、综合地运用所学语言

    • 九.板书设计


    Unit2 I Love My Family



    A:Who’s that man?

    B: He’s my father.                               

    A: Who’s that woman?

    B: She’s my mother.


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