• PEP英语 六年级上 Unit5 Part B Let s learn(31团中学 张贵贤)

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    • PEP英语 六年级上 Unit5 Part B Let s learn


    • 教材分析

    本节课是这个单元的第四课时。通过前三个课时的学习,学生已经对“What does she do?”这个句型有了初步的掌握,并且学习了部分职业的名称。本节课是让学生在前几节课的基础上,进一步巩固“What does she do?”这个句型,学习几个新的职业,并能用“How does he go to work?”这个句型进一步了解某人的具体信息,是前几节课的巩固和延伸。课堂教学要时刻注意提高学生学习的积极性,并在课堂中渗透尊重他人的工作和劳动,树立远大的理想的情感教育。

      本课时教学内容为PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 5 What does she do? B部分。主要学习有关职业名称的单词和如何介绍职业的相关句型。

    • 教学目标


    1. 知识与技能

      (1)能够听、说、读、写职业词 engineer、accountant、salesperson、policeman 和cleaner。

      (2)能够听、说、认读How does he go to work? He goes to work by bus.并能在情景中运用。能运用句型What does your...do? My ...is a/an...介绍人物的职业。


     2. 过程与方法




     3. 情感、态度与价值观




      1. 教学重点:能掌握本节课5个职业词,并初步掌握学习新单词的方法。

      2. 教学难点:能准读、拼准单词engineer、accountant。

    Teaching steps Step1.Warm-up

        1. Greetings.

        T: I'm a teacher, you are students. I can teach you English, what can you do?

    S1: I can jump far.

        S2: I can swim.

        S3: I can read English.

        T: Can you play bingo game?

        2. Invite the class to play a bingo game.

           【设计意图:通过“Can you...?”句型的复习,引出play a game。通过做游戏既缓解了学生的紧张心情,又复习了以前所学的关于职业的词汇。】

    Step2.Let's talk.学生手中各自拿着老师设计好的不同的名片。

                                 Name :Li Wei

                                 Job : teacher

                                 Workplace: school

                                 How to go to work: by car

                                 Hobby: playing the violin


    Use the following sentences to talk with each other.

    Who is he / she ?

    What does he / she do?

    Where does he work?

    How does he / she go to work?

    What’s his / her hobby?


    • Step3.Presentation

    1. 整体听,感知

        2. Teach the word: cleaner

        ①T: I can teach English well, so I'm a teacher.  (课件演示:teach→teacher,并配有“老师”图片。)He can write books, so he is a writer. (课件演示:write→writer, 并配有“作家”图片。)She can sing well, so she is a singer. (课件演示:sing→singer, 并配有“歌唱家”图片。)And she cleans streets, what does she do?

        S1: She's a cleaner. (课件演示:clean→cleaner, 并配有“清洁工”图片。)


        ②Ss repeat the word.(全班同学跟老师读→请个别同学模仿跟读。然后老师把单词卡片贴到黑板上。)

        ③T: Look at the word again, (师边说边指贴在黑板上的单词卡片。) Here 'er' is pronounced   /    /. (课件演示:er→/     /)

        Ss repeat it. (全班同学跟老师对口型→请个别同学跟老师对口型。)

        T: Now, let's say this poem together. (课件演示英语小诗:Father and mother, help each other. Sister and brother, play together!)

        ④T: And here 'ea' is pronounced /  i:  /.

        Ss repeat it. (全班同学跟老师对口型→请个别同学跟老师对口型。)

        T: Can you find out some words with ea like this?

        S1: Sea.

        S2: Bea.

        S3: Teacher.


        T: I've found some words for you.  (课件演示 read, leave, team, bean, clean, meat, please, jeans, pea, sea, east, eat, tea, seat, teacher, mean.)Can you read them?


        3. Teach the word: policeman

        ①T: A cleaner works hard, what about him?  (课件出示一个威武的警察形象。)

        He's on duty today, he works hard, too. He is a policeman. (引导学生说出新单词 policeman。)

        ②Ss repeat the word. (全班同学跟老师读→请个别同学模仿跟读。然后老师把单词卡片贴到黑板上。

        ③T: Look at this word again, (师边说边指贴在黑板上的单词卡片。)Here 'i' is pronounced       / i: /. (课件演示:i→/ i: /)

        Ss repeat it. (全班同学跟老师对口型→请个别同学跟老师对口型。)

        T: Can you find out some words with 'i' like this?

        Ss can't find any words.

        T: Yes, there are only two words like this. They're policeman & machine.

        (课件出示 policeman & machine。)They're from French.


        4. Teach the word: salesperson

        ①T: He is a policeman. What about her? (课件呈现一名女警察。)

        S1: She's a policewoman.

        T: Yes, she's a policewoman. And what does she do? (课件呈现一名清洁工,作为对前面环节所学单词的复习,再变化为一名售货员。)


        T writes the sentence 'What does she do?' on the Bb.

        Ss repeat the sentence together.

        ②T: So, what does she do? (指课件中的售货员图片。)Let me tell you, she's a salesperson.

        Ss repeat the word. (全班同学跟老师读→请个别同学模仿跟读。然后老师把单词卡片贴到黑板上。)

        ③T writes the sentence 'She' s a salesperson.' on the Bb.

    Ss repeat the two sentences together.                                                                                     

        ④T: Salespersons sell things.  (引导学生区分Sale和sell的发音,同时在课件上出现该句子,指导学生朗读。)

        ⑤T: I've got a friend. Look, she's coming. (课件呈现一名售货员和一个小语篇,同时课件播放录音 I'm a salesperson, I work in a shop, I go to work by bus, I sell rulers, erasers, pencils, calculators (计算器)…Welcome to my shop!)

        T: Now, can you answer these questions?

        1).Where does she work?

        2).How does she go to work?

        3).What does she sell?(课件呈现问题。)

        T: First, can you tell me, where does she work?

        S1: She works in a shop.

        T: And how does she go to work? (同时板书 How does she go to work?)

        S2: She goes to work by bus. (师板书 She goes to work…, 强调goes的发音。)

        T: What does she sell?

        S3: She sells rulers, erasers, pencils, calculators.

        【设计意图:小语篇的设计,将学生的学习从词引到句,再从句引到篇。语篇的内容引出了本节课的另一个重要句型How does she go to work? She goes to work…。同时该售货员所出售的物品恰为后面两种职业



        5. Teach the word: engineer

        ①T: Do you know who usually uses rulers, erasers, pencils? Maybe you! You usually use them. And maybe this man.(课件呈现一名正在画图纸的工程师。)What does he do?

        S1: He's an engineer.

        ②Ss repeat the word. (全班同学跟老师读→请个别同学模仿跟读。然后老师把单词卡片贴到黑板上,强调指出an的用法。)

        ③T: Look at this word again, (师边说边指贴在黑板上的单词卡片。)Here 'eer' is pronounced   /     /. (课件演示:eer→/     /)

        Ss repeat it. (全班同学跟老师对口型→请个别同学跟老师对口型。)

        T: Can you find out some words with eer like this?

        S1: Near.

        T: The same pronunciation, but the different letters.

        S2: Deer.

        S3: Beer.

        T: Yes, look, I've found some words for you.  (课件演示deer, cheers, beer)

        Can you read them?

        Ss read them together.

        ④T: And can you guess how does he go to work?

        S1: He goes to work by bike.

        T: Maybe.

        S2: He goes to work by car.

        T: Maybe.

        S3: He goes to work by bus.

        T: Maybe. Look, (师边说边课件播放“一辆小汽车伴随着嘟嘟声驶来了”。)Oh, he goes to work by car.

        Boys ask 'How does he go to work'?

        Girls answer 'He goes to work by car'.

         6. Teach the word: accountant

        ①T: And do you know who usually uses the calculators? (课件重新呈现刚才的小语篇。)


        T: Maybe your maths teacher, and maybe this woman.  (课件出示一名正在记帐的会计师。)What does she do? Let me tell you, she's an accountant.

        Ss repeat the word.(全班同学跟老师读→请个别同学模仿跟读。然后老师把单词卡片贴到黑板上,再次强调an的用法。)

        T: Look at this word again,(师边说边指贴在黑板上的单词卡片。)Here 'ou' is pronounced / au  /. (课件演示:ou→/ au /)

        ②Ss repeat it.(全班同学跟老师对口型→请个别同学跟老师对口型。)

        ③T: Can you find out some words with 'ou' like this?

        S1: House.

        S2: Trousers.

        S3: Count.

        T: I've found some words for you.  (课件演示house, blouse, count, found, mouse) Can you read them?

        Ss read them together.

     ④T: And can you guess how does she go to work?

        S1: She goes to work by bus.

        T: Maybe.

        S2: He goes to work by bike.

        T: Maybe.

        S3: He goes to work by bus.

        T: Maybe. Look, (师边说边课件播放“一辆摩托车伴随着嘟嘟声驶来了”。)Oh, she goes to work by motorcycle.

        Girls ask 'How does she go to work'?

        Boys answer 'She goes to work by motorcycle'.

        Step4. Consolidation

        1. Review the 5 new words.

        ① T: Now, look at the pictures and guess who works there.(课件呈现商场、警察局、深秋时节满是落叶的街道、工程院、会计事务所五个场所。)

        S1: A salesperson works there.

        S2: A policeman works there.

        S3: A cleaner works there.

        S3: An engineer works there.

    S3: An accountant works there.

       ② Play a Bingo game.

        T: Now, let's play a Bingo game. (师先示范,如果句子的表达是正确的,全班同学一起翘起大拇指并大声说:Bingo!如果句子的表达是错误的,则全班同学一起摊开双手并露出很无奈的表情说:啊哦!然后把错误的表达改成正确的。)

        (课件呈现)A teacher works in a bank.

        Ss: Aa-Oooo!

        T: The right answer is 'A teacher works in a school'. (引导学生说,说完以后集体朗读一遍。)

        (课件呈现)A doctor works in a hospital.

        Ss: Bingo!

        (课件呈现)A reporter works in a zoo.

        Ss: Aa- Oooo!

        T: The right answer is A reporter works in TV station.

    【设计意图:Bingo game的设计在学生们开始感到疲惫之时打入了强有力有一针,再次调动了学生的学习热情,使整个课堂显得更加生动活泼。同时,该游戏中设计的句子充分复习了学生的旧知,使各个层面的信息全面滚动,达到了良好的教学效果。最后一个句子中reporter的设计使接下来的环节自然过渡。】

    2.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

        3. Exercises time.

        Fill in the blanks,

        I clean streets, I am a cleaner.

        I teach lessons, I am a teacher.

        She sells things, she is a salesperson.

        He helps people, he is a policeman.

        She works in a bank, she is an accountant.

        He designs a machine, he is an engineer.

    ②Check the answers.

    Step4 Extensive time

    1. 本单元的Good to Know.拓展单词,之后,让学生问答接龙

    2. 本单元的Let’ s sing.拓展句型

    3. 本单元的story time. 拓展句型

    Step5 speak and write.

    1. Let’s interview.




    Favourite season: ____________

    Can do:_____________

    Job: student

    Go to school by_______


    Father/mother is a/an________

    Works in a__________

    Goes to work by_________

    2. Let’s write.


        Step5. Homework

        1. Copy five new words 4 times, read after the tape of Part B.

        2. Make a dialogue about your friends like this, "What does your father do?" "How does he go to work?"…

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    • 学习
    • 单词
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