• 西关培正小学-叶素华-四年级上册Unit5新授课教学设计

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    Module 3 My School

    Unit5 Let me show you our new school!教学设计

    广州市荔湾区西关培正小学 叶素华


    第一课时:Unit 5 dialogue


    本节课是义务教育教科书《英语》四年级上册Unit 5 Let me show you our new school的第一课时,以学校场室和活动,以及学科为主题。这一课主要的词汇有:classroom, library, swimming pool, teachers’ room, playground, gym, dining hall, music, art PE, our, opposite, sometimes, lesson, have lessons, work, eat。在学生课标学习的基础上,教师利用网络的优势,为学生提供了5个阅读材料,指导学生进行自主学习。本节课融合了本单元和上单元的重点句型:Is/ Are there…? Where’s … ? It’s over there/next to/opposite…等,并根据学生语言交际的需要,拓展了句型What do you do in the …? How many … are there? I s it…? 既融合了新旧知,又丰富了学生的语言积累,同时将情感教育渗透于英语教学中。




    1. 语言知识目标

    1vocabulary: <1> 四会: classroom, library, swimming pool, teachers’ room, playground, dining hall, music, art PE, our, opposite, sometimes, lesson, have lessons, work, eat

    <2> 三会: gym

    <3> developing: have computer lessons, play games, twenty-four…

    (2)Patterns: There is/ are (not) …

    Is/Are there..?

    Let me show you our new school.

    Where’s … ?

    It’s over there/next to/opposite…

    (3) Daily chunks: Welcome! Let me show you our new school. Thank you.

    (4) Grammar: Describe the rooms and the positions in a school. And tell what people do in that place.

    1. 语言技能目标

      1. memorize the new words and use them suitably.

      2. Read fluently and act out the dialogue.

      3. Make new dialogues with the help of T and the pictures.

      4. Use the patterns suitably.

      5. Be able to share your opinions with your friends.

      6. 能通过小组合作,描述自己的学校的各场所的位置,并能描述在这些场所进行的常规活动。

    2. 情感态度目标

    Through the song and the chant, motivate the children and involve the children. Through creative tasks ( introduce your own school), develop their confidence and creativity. Through learning on the internet the stories about the school, interested the children. Thus children will be able to learn actively and love their school further.

    1. 学习策略目标

    Encourage the children to cooperate with others and finish the task together. Help the kids to collect the errors they made and ask for help from the teachers. Use the English you learnt in daily life.

    1. 文化意识目标

    We should respect and understand the different cultures in the world and the different life styles. Keep an open mind to undrestand all ideas.


    1. The children are able to talk about the names of the rooms and they get to know how to talk about the things in the room and the colour and their number. They are enjoying learning further in the topic. The school things and the subjects are what they are interested in.

    2. The pupils are efficient in using the computer and the net. They can behave themselves much better now than before.

    3. They will get happy in learning this topic and the dialogue.

    4. Combine the new language items with the old ones and by finishing the learning tasks, the pupils will become good user of English.

    5. They have learnt a lot about the positions.






    4、整合策略:充分发挥信息技术的优势,为学生提供拓展听读的机会,通过拓展听读words, dialogue, readings,丰富学生的语言积累,培养学生自主学习的能力。通过听写巩固词汇和句型,将感性认识提升到理性认识,提高课堂教学效率。尊重学生的个体差异,选择了不同的阅读内容,并让他们带着问题去听读,既发展学生的阅读能力,又渗透更多的知识。重构文本,加入自编的内容丰富教学内容。



    1. 供学生自主听读的资源:12 phrases; 6 sentences; the dialogue; 5 stories (Houses of the World; Don’t Open the Door; Doors; Dong-dong is clean and tidy; My New House)

    2. 供学生交际的资源:Picture of a school & key points

    3. 教学课件、单词卡、 Worksheet



    T’s activity

    Ps’ activity


    1. Preparation课前热身、复习旧知

    Good morning, children. Are you happy today?

    Look at the pictures, let’s chant. (附录1)

    ③复习说: (附录2)

    师生示范-- 学生两两说-- 对话表演

    Leading-in: We love our school. We can know more about it. Let’s learn. Are you ready, children?

    Read the topic today and ask Ps to follow.

    Greet T.

    Look at the pictures and chant together. (附录1)

    Pair work: (附录2)

    Look and listen, understand T’s talk and get better ready for the new lesson.

    Follow T, read the topic and get a image of what we are going on.

    Set up the friendly atmosphere by greetings and get them ready to learn the new lesson.


    Go over the things we know about school and get better understanding of the topic today.

    Start to become aware of what we are going to learn today. Love our school!

    Involve the children by nominating the title of this lesson.

    1. Presentation






    Look, this is our school. (our) This is our classroom. (classroom) The classrooms are in the classroom building.

    Show the head dresses and tell a story. Mr Chen is visiting our school. Ben is showing Mr Chen around. (附录3) 新授听

    Show the pictures and make a mind map, talk about it with Ps. (附录4)

    Let’s play a memory game.

    Let’s chant.

    ⑥新授说: Let’s talk about our school.

    师生示范-- 学生两两说-- 对话表演

    Look, listen and understand. Try to memorize the new words.

    Look, listen and understand. Try to memorize the new words.

    Retell the story with the help of T and the pictures.

    Play the game

    Chant together.

    Talk about our school.



    Learn the words and paterns by using it unconciously.

    Practice the pronunciation and spelling of the new words.

    Chant and have fun.

    Practice the new language, the places, the possitions and subjects. Focus of listening and speaking. 教师指导重点词汇、正音照顾了全体学生的需要。同时鼓励孩子表演课文,让孩子在小组协作中学习,更给孩子提供展示才能的舞台,体验成功和语言的交际性。而有能力的学生能带动能力弱的学生,互帮互学,将新单词和新句型融入情境中操练,让学生进一步在运用单词的过程中进一步巩固单词。

    1. Consolidation






    ②综合听Ask Ps to learn on net.(附录5)

    Feed back the reading questions, thus check Ps’ understanding.


    师生示范-- 学生两两说-- 对话表演

    Listen and fill in the blanks.

    Use their computers to learn further on the topic of school.

    Try their best to answer the questions.

    Pair work: Look and talk with your partner.

    Use the new words, focus on form. 教师通过课文内容,尤其是关键词汇和句型的辨认、听、写,进一步巩固课标教学目标的落实,保证每个学生达标。

    Get Ps interested in the reading materials and love English reading and learning. Help Ps to learn on the net by themselves. Developing their reading skills. 阅读材料拓展了主题相关的内容,还为unit 6以及本学期的其他知识做准备。教师通过课文内容自然引申到文化渗透的内容,并进行情感教育。在指导学生自主听读对话之前,教师将问题中的渗透的新旧拓展句型带出来,帮助孩子更好地了解和预测对话的内容。而每篇对话设计一个问题,让孩子带着问题去阅读,明确听读的目的,提高听读的有效性。

    Developing their reading skills.跨越式英语教学模式要求中年级学生能掌握阅读材料,并能运用于解决实际问题。


    4. Summary

    Sum up the language items

    Homework assignment

    Look at the mind map and talk about the pictures, use the new language


    Sum up and become aware of what we have leart today.

    further practice


    I love my school

    Come to my school, come today.

    This is the playground, and I play there.

    This is the swimming pool, and I swim there.

    This is the library, and I read there.

    This is my school. I love it much.


    Do you like our school?

    Is there a swimming pool in our school?

    Is there a library in our school?

    How many playgrounds are there in our school?

    Is the playground big?

    Where is the playground?


    Mr Chen: Nice to meet you. I am Mr Chen.

    Ben: Welcome! I am Ben. Let me show you our new school.

    Mr Chen: Thank you. It’s a very beautiful school. Where is your classroom?

    Ben: It’s over there, next to the library.

    Mr Chen: Is there a swimming pool?

    Ben: Yes, it’s opposite the playground. We sometimes have PE lessons there.

    Mr Chen: Is there a computer room?

    Ben: Yes, there is. It’s next to the music room. We sometimes have computer lessons there.

    Mr Chen: Where is the teachers’ room?

    Ben: It’s behind the classroom building. Our teachers work there.

    Mr Chen: Is there a dining hall?

    Ben: Yes, there is. It’s under the library, beside the gym. We sometimes eat there.

    Mr Chen: Is that the art room? I like art.

    Ben: Yes, let’s go and have a look.

    (library, swimming pool, opposite, playground, sometimes, PE, lesson, have lessons, music, teachers’ room, work, dining hall, gym, eat, art)



    Unit 5 Let me show you our new school.

    Class ________ Name ________

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